Anyone heard of Watchtower policy change concerning pedophiles

by Robert_V_Frazier 203 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • dinah

    Lady Lee,

    I can't even help my best friend who has been with me through everything for 25 years. Her sperm donor was a MONSTER! I can remember the one time I spent the night at her house. I remember him opening the bedroom door and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I have never felt such a creepy feeling. I pretended I was asleep and watched him jerk his dick. He never touched me, but he was looking at me while he did that! Then he was the FIRST ONE to lead the charge to DF me.

    For some reason, when I had a JC called, he wasn't on it. BUT it was his accusations that led to my committee. I called out the PO, another black man with wandering eyes, I stood up for Anita. Nobody listened. Anita's Dad did his best to keep me away from his daughter. I got baptised for HER. It got him off my ass for about 6 months. After I got baptised and was "approved association" he got me disfellowshiped with a letter I never even got to read. I KNOW for a fact my ex-husband knew better than to put anything incrimnating in there. Anita's Dad was AFRAID OF ME! He still is. I'll get him, and I wont' need WT rules to do so. His ass is MINE and I hope he dies old and without young pussy.

    Oh yeah, my ex was black---and we live in a predominantly white neighborhood. I was labled a "trouble making whore" I got disfellowshipped because it "look like I mighta got some dick"

    I stuck with Anita. And if I ever see her Dad, he's gonna get beat the fuck up. No weapons, so it will be a misdemeanor.

    I'll get him. Or piss on his grave.

  • highdose

    in the area that i just moved to i have discovered that there is a JW here that i used to know. the interesting thing about this JW is that when i knew him 20 years ago he fled my congo because a young sister spoke up and said that he had been raping her for years as a child. He was never punished for it ( he didn't bring along anyone to wittness the abuse) and she was disfellowshipped for it ( actualy for not telling the elders before)

    It runined her and she is now a broken person. I heard since that he moved to a different part of the counrty where he got romanticly invovled with a 16yr old ( he was 42) when the 16yr olds elder father found out, he ran this JW out of town, and becuase of this action was later disfellowshipped himself.

    the JW concerned has always mantained that the allegations against him were not true, that some abuse had gone on, but never rape ( so thats ok then) (!)

    now... he is married with a child, i could speak up, but would i be belived? ... i don't know...

    ...its tricky...

  • dinah

    Cool! I got baptised for Anita. So it wasn't all for nothing. And the PO I mentioned is DEAD.

  • dinah

    It's not tricky. Just do the right thing.

    I have known of elders restricting privileges on the basis of the statements of a supposed victim of being molested.

    I was talking to an elderly anointed elder about 3 months ago after the meeting. We chatted about many things - he was telling me about his friends before he became a witness about 50 years his mates discussed various girls and particularly looked for decent girls to settle down with - not the ones that were known for their loose morals.

    Anyway, I said something like that I can understand teens struggling to control their hormones but that I cannot understand people who get a kick out of molesting children - a disgusting thing that is happening even in "our" organization.

    He agreed and said if he could have things his way, these individuals would not be walking around in society - suggesting they would be better dead...

    I mentioned that the society should really abolish the 2 witness rule as it was not practical - when are you likely to have 2 witnesses to such abuse??

    He agreed and said that they received a letter from the society recently stating that if a brother holding "privileges" in the congregation was accused of child molestation, the individual looses those privileges immediately.

    If this is true it's a step in the right direction, but as others have mentioned, they need to get the authorities involved asap in the case of every single allegation.

  • blondie

    Barbara Anderson might know something about this.

  • Scully

    I have to wonder whether the inability to control the activities of child molesters is, in part, why the Congregation Book Study was taken out of private homes and was made into another Kingdom Hall meeting.

    The known-only-to-the-Elders™ child molester in my congregation was assigned to the Book Study in MY home, unbeknownst to my parents. The Elders™ decided to protect their own daughters from this newly Reinstated™ creep, and sent him to my family's house, where he grabbed me inappropriately at the Book Study. And then when I told him to keep his hands to himself, he turned around and humiliated me by claiming that I was misinterpreting his intentions (how do you misinterpret an unsolicited boob grab as anything other than overt sexual harassment/ molestation??) and that I was the one with the "dirty mind" that needed to be Counselled™ and needed to show some Respect™ for anyone in the congregation with a penis. He was later DFd for a third time and ended up serving jail time after being convicted of molesting yet another of his own daughters, who reported him to the police and had him arrested.

    There's no amount of rationalizing that will ever convince me that he was sent to my home "accidentally". The Elders™ all knew his history (though most of the congregation did not) and decided that I would be the one put in harm's way, rather than their own daughters. Aiding and abeting a child molester like that should be a criminal offense by itself. If it were, the WTS would definitely change how it handles child molestation cases.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thank you Jeff.

    If this is true it's a step in the right direction, but as others have mentioned, they need to get the authorities involved asap in the case of every single allegation.

    Thank you for posting this. I really hope this is true. Maybe it will lead to abolishing the evil two witness rule.

    Scully you know very well the Bible says Jehovah says penis people are more important than non-penis people.


  • Scully

    LUKEWARM writes:

    they received a letter from the society recently stating that if a brother holding "privileges" in the congregation was accused of child molestation, the individual looses those privileges immediately.

    What about the Privilege™ of being known as a Brother™ or Sister™? Why stop at forbidding them from carrying microphones and anything more Privileged™ than that? Strip them of the title of Brother™ or Sister™, and instead refer to them as Mr. or Mrs. or Miss? That would be in keeping with Scriptural™ precedent at 1 Cor 5:9-13

    In my letter I wrote YOU to quit mixing in company with fornicators, not [meaning] entirely with the fornicators of this world or the greedy persons and extortioners and idolaters. Otherwise, YOU would actually have to get out of the world. But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man. For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do YOU not judge those inside, while God judges those outside? "Remove the wicked [man] from among yourselves."

    Such a simple idea: stop allowing a molester or abuser to be known by the title of Brother™ or Sister™. It effectively segregates the individual and notifies members of the congregation of their questionable status. If Reinstated™ after Demonstrating Repentance™, it would carry the distinction of someone whose association should be guarded against, who should not be left alone with children of either gender, and who needs supervision in the Door-to-Door™ work. Being known as a Brother™ or Sister™ should be regarded as a true privilege, not as a right to anyone who claims to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    As of Jan 2009, Family Worship Night™ now is to replace the Congregation Book Study™, and is receiving increasing importance in special needs parts™. This seems to be to address the fact that various ones have been growing up™ without much attention to the youths making the Truth™ their own. Of course, in order for the children to be inculcated correctly™, the parent(s) need to have their hearts™ trained in the Truth™ as well, so that they don't become deviant in the first place, or if they have, so that their hearts™ may be corrected.™

    Of course, I assume that the Elders™ and other responsible family heads™ were doing the Family Study™ weekly as it was. If so, an extra evening for personal study™ has two advantages that I can see which bear on this current Topic: an extra evening for Elders™ to engage in Shepherd™-related concerns; and an extra evening for those who require spiritual assistance™, counselling and therapy to get it.

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