wow so many myths and half-truths to comment on.
my brother called me with good news and said because the WT had to pay out so much money they now reported to the police each occurrence of abuse and dis-allowed pedophiles from going door to door.
"each occurrence of abuse" Just how do the elders define this? "occurrence" as in the abuser admits it? is caught in the act? or actually has two witnesses - mind you that has qualifications on it to because the two witnesses had to both be adults and they both had to be witnesses or else it didn't count
"dis-allowed pedophiles from going door to door" Not let me ask you. Just how is this enforced? Since the cong is not told someone is a pedophile then it sure isn't the cong members policing him. Nobody knows!!! And there is absolutely nothing to stop any JW from getting dressed, grabbing his magazine bag and go knocking on doors all by himself. And those of us who watched Dateline got to see a convicted JW going door to door all by his lonesome - caught on camera no less. The rule at the time (of Dateline) was that he could not go by himself. But like I said there is nothing and no one who can stop him.
I also found it interesting that their reason for changing this policy was due to law suits and not because it was the right thing to do
Yup that's the bottom line isn't it
I can't see them admitting they were wrong all of these years and having to apologise to the victims.??
Let's see I was 12 and now I am 57. I'm not holding my breath.
angel eyes
even if we have to endure and suffer, Jehovah WILL step in and deal with things.
I'm going to say something and don't mean it harshly but I want you to think about something.
I was 12. My aunt who lived with us was 13. My stepfather was abusing both of us. When it came out that he was abusing my aunt the elders decided that it would be bast to send her to live with other family members - non-JWs family members despite the fact that she was baptized and he was only studying. It was not reported to the police. She committed suicide about 3 months later.
Then it came out that he was abusing me. Actually my mother walked in and caught him in the act. Again the elders suggested that the victim be sent out of the home. I was sent to live in foster care for 3 years. He remained in the home and it was not reported to the police. And that left my 3 yr old sister in the home . She was also abused. She committed suicide 3 years ago. She could never get over it and after years of pain and after many attempts she finally succeeded.
Now As I said above I was 12 - well 13 by the time it came out. And I am 57 now. He is dead. The elders are dead. My aunt and my sister both committed suicide and I came pretty damn close.
Perhaps if the elders had gone to the police my aunt would still be alive. Perhaps I would not have suffered decades of pain. Perhaps my sister would still be alive.
Oh perhaps I should add that after he left my mother he moved to the US and married a woman with . . . daughters. . . more potential and very possibly victims.
Waiting for Jehovah to deal with some things is one thing. Not protecting innocent and vulnerable children is quite something else. Adults have a responsibility to protect and care for children. The law states that as professionals the clergy have a legal responsibility to report suspicions of child abuse. Elders hold that responsibility in the cong whether they want to realize that or not. And clergy privilege extends only to matters when a person who has committed the crime confesses it to the clergy. It never ever applies to when the victim is asking for help.
Now even if the elders wanted to wiggle out of clergy privilege (which they try to claim once they are dragged into court), every person in our society is morally bound to report suspicions of abuse of a child. Each and every one of us is morally and ethically responsible to report not just what we know but what we suspect.
That means no one is off the hook. We are all responsible to report. Unless of course you are a JW elder who has to call up the legal dept of the WTS and ask if they have to or not.
forensic evidence that leads to a conviction is allowed as the second witness from what I know.
My dear girl what to do with you. You just don't seem to get this. By the time a child is able to come forward and talk to the elders and then be called in to confront her abuser they is no forensic evidence. Pedophiles know how to protect themselves. Believe me, I've known a few. A few too many and they don't leave evidence behind.
NOTE: Triggers might apply so read with caution
Sexual abuse is more than just having intercourse with a child. It can include exposing oneself to a child; or getting a child to touch them; or them touching and fondling the child or inserting fingers in the child. It can include taking pornographic pictures of them or getting them to watch porn. It can include oral sex or (how to put this gently) rubbing themselves against the child until they have an orgasm. Few of those will leave any forensic evidence but they are all sexual abuse. And all highly damaging.
and not only do you say forensic evidence that may not even exist but it has to lead to a conviction. Isn't it odd then that in many of the cases where it has actually gotten anywhere near a court room the witnesses show up to support the accused!.
Don't you realize what good con men these pedophiles are? All they have to say to the elders is "I'm truly sorry and it will never happen again" and it gets a free ride in the cong. And heaven help the poor child that might live with him and have to go home with him after one the the elder arranged confrontations.
I'm sure there is more on page to for me to comment on but it's 3:20 am and I should get to bed