This Bible passage has always bothered me.......

by palmtree67 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • daniel-p

    In my opinion, you can take out the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (and maybe James), and throw the rest directly into the trash. If it weren't for the historical/literary value of the Bible, I'd hardly have a use for it in any society I'd want to live in.

  • parakeet

    Mickey: Ugh. The Bible (and in particular the old testament) is violent and pornographic, not suitable reading material for true Christians.

    Please, please, please tell me the irony was deliberate!!!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    One of many disturbing stories in the OT. I heard on the news today that one of the presidential candidates is promising that husbands can, by law, have their wives killed if they refuse them sex. If he wins, of course.

    Things have not changed much in that part of the world.

    Oops, forgot to say in the election in Afghanistan.

  • snowbird

    I like the prophecies.

    Imo, no way could those who prophesied about the Messiah have colluded to deceive anyone.


  • palmtree67

    I know, Sylvia. I like the Babylon prophesies, too.

  • Narkissos

    Seems like God could not foretell the "politically correct" culture... ;)

  • reniaa

    Mankind is brutal! it was true of then and equally true now.

    When we goto war these days governments including our own allow for 'exceptable losses' of the innocent. we haven't changed we just can pretend the slaughter doesn't happen because we don't have to see it, just press a button.


  • meangirl

    I agree DanielP. All you need to look is at modern day Iraq/Iran and that is pretty much how it was in bible times for how women were viewed and treated. I hate how the society tries to make it out like it was "not that bad for the women because they didn't know they were treated badly".....

  • Satanus

    Seems like the muslim theocratic countries are the ones living the most closely to jehovah's standards, that is the ot, mosaic, pharisaic standards. How ironic. Wouldn't jehovah be choosing them, instead of the wt corp as his org?


  • palmtree67

    Haha, true, Satanus!

    The ones in those countries probably wouldn't mind seeing 99% of the world's population lying in blood covered heaps and being eaten by birds and lions. Jehovah should really be using them......I certainly don't want any part of any "dead body brigade."

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