Demerol is synthetic morphine. Not saying it still didn't hurt like hell. Inducing childbirth is more painful.
thanks god for those birth jw wifes reply
by oompa 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"I go through this once a month and I've never been pregnant. How's that for a raw deal?"
OK, how 'bout this one: periods started at age 14, got them 3 to 4 times a year until a year after the last kid was born (I was 39) them bam! the periods started coming every months on a 30+ plus day cycle - that was 5 years ago. Every freakin month now. The last cycle was a biotch, the cramps were so intense it felt like I was going into labor.
I can't wait for this crap to stop!!
roflmao now!........i though somebody would comment about the exjw point of my conversation with my jw wife........but it is now like a chicflik thread of a conversation!!!.........not that there is anything wrong with that btw!! gals have it rough for sure.............but our boys live daily in a hot, cramped, sweaty environment
not that it even compares................oompa
twinkle toes
I was just going to comment on that same line of thought oompa. Never give women a venue to talk about their childbirth experience... they will go on forever. It's very traumatizing and we love to talk about it. LOL
You're right Oompa, it doesn't even compare. I could go on about the mess but I feel like being nice tonight.
Josie, in my family the women all had bad cramps until they had their first kid. You seem to be the opposite. I started like you, at thirteen, every three months. Lasted three weeks apiece, no pain. Then I turned 18, became regular and get the pray-to-die cramps.
I had to have a vicodin to sleep
Me too, Josie. My doctor is giving me hard time about getting a new perscription for it right now. I understand that some people have an addiction. Two-three pills a month is not an addiction. Every time I move to a new place and see a new doctor they make me go through all the same tired remedies that don't work until I finally get the blasted drug.
Maybe cuz people sell the pills on the street. My crazy a$$ neighbor (that moved away thank the lord) told a friend that my hubby had vicodin and that he might sell them, then sends my hubby an email asking if he would sell the pills. Holy crap!! If I could have gotten away with it I would have kicked her ass for making out like my hubby is a drug dealer and endangering my kids.
I have heard that induced labor really hurts bad. And longer.....
I remember my Mom telling me that periods didn't hurt, well I would break out in a cold sweat and have unbearable cramps. She would break a aspirin in half and give it to me with did nothing but make my stomach more upset. She would actually tell me I was imagining the pain because she never had painful periods...therefore I wouldn't either.....
She also told me that childbirth was just unpleasant, SURPRISE! I had twilight sleep right before delivery which basically just makes you too tired to scream...
And then they teased me and let me smell a wiff of gas when the baby came out but took it away so that I could feel the stitches being put in. Talk about sucking in air....that'll take your breath away!
After doing that three times ( 3 kids) they finally decided to start using something called an epideral?. I hear it did wonders for the pain..Thank god I will never have to find out. I stopped at three with the invention of the birth control
My Mother in law was the first woman I ever heard say that the 'Period " every month was a "blessing" instead of a curse.. it meant she wasn't pregnant. And that was a blessing.....