thanks god for those birth jw wifes reply

by oompa 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bluecanary
    My Mother in law was the first woman I ever heard say that the 'Period " every month was a "blessing" instead of a curse.. it meant she wasn't pregnant. And that was a blessing.....

    I try to think of that as reason to be happy. It's hard to hold that thought in your head when you're lying on the floor sobbing.

  • mrsjones5

    "I have heard that induced labor really hurts bad."

    It does, my last was induced. Worst pain ever and very hard labor - when it would hit felt like my heart was going to burst. Thankfully I deliver quick, the baby came out after only two pushes.

  • mrsjones5

    "My Mother in law was the first woman I ever heard say that the 'Period " every month was a "blessing" instead of a curse.. it meant she wasn't pregnant. And that was a blessing.....

    I try to think of that as reason to be happy. It's hard to hold that thought in your head when you're lying on the floor sobbing."

    Oh you poor thing. I really mean that. Bad cramps are the pits. I wish I could think of my periods as blessings but I had my tubes tied almost six years ago so it not a blessing, just feels redundant and unnecessary.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I use Lybrel birth control pills that stop periods all together. No mess and no pain. It takes a few months for it to completely stop the period.

  • mrsjones5

    Thanks WD, I'll keep that in mind. Just looked it up and it looks like something that could help me.

  • JWdaughter

    My first was induced for 3 days!(stupid student docs) Then a C-section. 3rd was induced for about a day, then a c-section. 2nd was planned c-section (big breech baby).

    If women didn't feel anything, there would be a lot more babies delivered w/out mom knowing. Which would make for a lot of other issues;)

  • Chalam

    Genesis 3:16 (English Standard Version)

    16 To the woman he said,

    "I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing;
    in pain you shall bring forth children.

    There was pain before but after the it greatly increased.

    Pain is not a bad thing but a warning.

    Stick you hand on something hot and pain tells you to take it off.

    All the best,


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah like what was Adams punishment? Hardly fair he should have had some pain during sex!!!!!

  • jeeprube
    then it got real quiet as we are not supposed to ever talk about anything bible related..............oompa

    I've been there brother! Keep your head up man you're doing good.

  • dinah

    This is funny. I'm sure Oompa had no idea he was giving us girls a thread to bitch.

    Yeah like what was Adams punishment? Hardly fair he should have had some pain during sex!!!!!

    Maybe we should all start kicking our men in the boys when we are finished with them?

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