I see what you mean.
Tell a minister why the Bible alone is not enough to reach jw
by carla 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Deputy Dog
Let me ask everyone this question: Obviously you will only for the most part reach a JW with an honest review of the orgs track record, not the Bible. The Bible is really a smokescreen by the GB. Is it easier to reach a born-in or a convert?
Maybe we should define what we mean by "reach". Just getting them out doesn't = "reaching" in my book. Sometimes it replaced with something just as bad or worse.
What do you mean by "reach"?
What would a pastor mean by it?
Did I hijack it? or am I just sick of people measuring witnesses by rules and standards they are unwilling to apply to anyone else? .............Reniaa
The topic of the thread is:"Tell a minister why the Bible alone is not enough to reach jw"..
These are your 3 replys..Not one,Answer`s the Topic of this Thread..
#1:.. Do witnesses follow the bible? yes and any person calling themselves a christian would answer this in the affirmative.
So what makes one christian faith right and another wrong? The only standards we have is the bible and holy spirit and I have found the Jws to be the most biblically honest as well as holy spirit blessed doctrinely. But I freely admit others may feel differently because they actually do or alternatively want to make themselves feel differently because of personal issues with Jws rather than anything they have against what we believe
#2:..Or maybe we just believe when the bible says Jesus is GOD'S son that he actually is God's son. And when YHWH/Jehovah is God's name that it is God's name. That when it says the true worshipers worship THE FATHER with spirit and truth this is what we should do. And when God says he is ONE YHWH he is actually one not 3 and many more. I read the bible everyday there are no passages I am afraid of
#3:.. ...... I could say the same, that trinitarians put allegiance to a non-biblical doctrine thought up by pagan influenced leaders among them and idolatry born of it than listen to the bible teachings
Yes,You did try to Hi-Jack the thread..And..
More Road Apples from Reniaa..
thanks for calling her on that outlaw
Don't feed the...... :)
I also think it takes time.
Convincing them on one point may cause them to start the thinking process, but no drastic changes in thinking will happen without Time.
Whittle away at it little by little.....
Excellent point palmtree. It took me 10 years of dealing with doubts, plus Gilead to get me to admit to myself that what I saw was right, and that I was being lied to.
Time is a great teacher. Unfortunately, it has a way of killing its students.... :)
"....to admit to myself that what I saw was right...."
This is exactly true. I feel now that I was trained to not trust my own judgement, and to second-guess myself in everything. After all, I was a sinful nobody, what did I know??
I still struggle with this. I had to come to that point where I said, "Damn it, I'm not insane!! What I'm seeing is real!!"
Jehovah`s Witness`s are not willing to think for themselves,once the WBT$ starts doing it for them..
Jehovah`s Witness`s will Fight for the Right,not to Think for Themselves..
Did I hijack it? or am I just sick of people measuring witnesses by rules and standards they are unwilling to apply to anyone else? .............Reniaa
A living or artificial bird or other animal used to entice game into a trap or within shooting range.b.
An enclosed place, such as a pond, into which wildfowl are lured for capture.2.
A means used to mislead or lead into danger.tr.v.
(d-koi ) de·coyed, de·coy·ing , de·coysThe topic of the thread is:"Tell a minister why the Bible alone is not enough to reach jw"..
Answer to question .....because the GB is considered the only ones having authority to interpret the Bible properly.. 1919 appointment
In the end, we must realize that the vast majority of JW indo outside of the NWT comes from direct verse FROM the NWT.
A whiel back my Dad mentioned that he has no idea how some can believe in the trinity because the Gosple of John shows cleary that Jesus was "a god" and not THE God.
The discussion we had about the trinity aside, I mentioned to him that the ONLY Translation that shows "a God" is thr NWT, all other show God or divine.
Of course theyr were wrong and the NWT is correct, it also brought up that Jeopardy rumour in regards to the NWT, but that is another thread.
Point being that, if a JW only recognises the NWT and views it as the ONLY correct translation and everything in the Awake, Insight into scriptures, What does the bible really teach, and so forth, is based on and from the NWT, its almost a lost cause, UNLESS the JW is OPEN to outside sources.