God's prerogative--He has everyone die one way or another. See Job--you can
still be glad you got a chance at life and even find beauty in life whether or
not you believe in God. It's not a deciding factor. (Did I just defend Reniaa?)
Tell a minister why the Bible alone is not enough to reach jw
by carla 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi carla
I ask one main thing of a religion I believe in and that it follows the One true God as Jesus did. In jesus's own words what are the qualification for eternal life?
John 17:1-4 (New International Version)
1 After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: "FATHER, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. 2 For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. 3 Now this is eternal life: THAT THEY MAY KNOW YOU, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 4 I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. Reniaa
PS: regarding acting in aggression for religious war:
It's one of the things people get too 'centric about--don't do it.
Someone could make a case for it, as with 1 Samuel 15:2-3, with God's
prerogative, though. But I'd point out that the example has it that God told
them to do it. So I'd like to see God have the clouds part and have Charleton
Heston talk from a shrub and tell me to do it--otherwise, forget it. So far,
it's never come up. -
Deputy Dog
I started a new thread just for you.
Spike Tassel
Thanks, DD.
Actually, not just any "Bible" will do for a JW. Some translations/ versions/ paraphrases don't teach JW understanding very well (at least on certain points), others (like the NWT Reference Bible) do extraordinarily well, and many fall between the two extremes. JWs may ask which translations the minister is familiar with, and do some research regarding the topics the minister has in mind. Sometimes an interlinear with the Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, etc. proves to be helpful in addition, or perhaps a Bible commentary or Bible dictionary, etc is required to fill in some gaps.
I am puzzled Spike...are you inferring that it is important to use a translation (maybe the only translation) that agrees with the way JW's see truth?? You said:
Actually, not just any "Bible" will do for a JW. Some translations/ versions/ paraphrases don't teach JW understanding very well
I may be a bit slow, but it sounds like you are condoning a theology of convenience without consideration of any evidence other than what you want to believe. How can you be intellectually honest and say that? If you truly believe that, you are answering the thread topic by saying that anyone other than the WTBTS and its publications could NEVER reach a JW. I recall when I was a kid, the average JW would go door to door and offer to use ANY translation of the Bible to support their beliefs...and study with people using "their" Bibles. That certainly would be impractical today given your above statement...
I I were to use that rationale regarding history, I could say that "not just any history books will do for White Supremists. Some versions don't teach White Supremist understanding of Hitler very well". That line of reasoning sounds a bit silly when you put it in that context, doesn't it?
still waiting Spike...
The JWs leaders' claim that they stick to scripture is often misunderstood.
It's tied to their claim that they don't play prophet, such as that they never
forecast Armageddon during WWII.
"During World War I God's people expected it to lead directly into Armageddon,
but Jehovah prevented such a climax at that time. We didn't succumb to such an
expectation during World War II." ("Kingdom Ministry," Jan.,1968, p.5)
This is meant in the sense of them having done it every year of WWII, includ-
ing the years before the USA got involved.
And that's how they stick to scripture. -
Good point glenstar...maybe that line of reasoning is why "not just any 'Bible' will do for a JW"!