I thank most of you for your responses! Rennia, I don't mean to be rude but I live with a jw remember? I know the party line, in fact I know the party line better than my jw and most jw's who do not know their own literature from one day to the next or their history. Jw's are not followers or even witnesses for God they are witnesses for the watchtower and follow mere men in NY. If you were not a born in you were not converted by the bible you were converted using wt literature and merely checked to see if a certain scripture was in fact in there where they claimed it was and misapplied in the manner the gb requires today, subject to change at a moments notice. I know this because I saw it in action. The wt clearly discourages independent bible reading and thinking. There are numerous quotes against 'independent thinking' but I think the following quote is quite telling:
WT Aug 15,1981 p28-29 "They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such 'Bible reading' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching 100 years ago."
As far as what I meant by 'reach' I guess I mean reach in any and all of the ways you suggested and hopefully it would entail bringing the watchtower follower to Christ. That is the difference between a jw and a Christian, a Christian's hope is for the person to follow Christ regardless of which church they may or may not join, and the jw's hope is for the person to follow the wt. I had a discussion with a number of ministers who believe all you need to know is the bible, however if anyone has ever had more than a 5 minute conversation with a watchtowerite you know full well how many other things are involved and how many different tangents they will go off on. Sadly the watchtowerites lack of education and freedom of education (re: bible, language, history, etc.) they quickly dismiss what all others have to say. Or it simply turns into scripture volleyball.
Personally I don't believe I can reach my jw until he cares more about God and truth than he does about the org. Because of man made rules he is not even allowed to discuss God or the Bible with me unless I am willing to blindly accept all the wt has to say. How different from the early Christians who did have lively debates.