I know. I know. Before some of the long time members here say to me " Tell us something we DON'T know Flipper " - please hear me out on this one. Some of the newly exiting JW's may not know this info - but need to be made aware of it.
As a young man I was raised in the cult Jehovah's Witnesses and remained from birth until age 44 . I was never, ever asked by my elder father in all those years the question, " Son, How is your relationship with Jehovah doing ? " But many times I was asked by him the question, " Son, How is your STANDING in the congregation ? Are you REACHING OUT for POSITIONS or PRIVILEGES ? " So obviously as the years progressed I equated " reaching out " or " Advancing " or attaining " position and privileges " with being the all IMPORTANT thing in being a Jehovah's Witness - because it is what was emphasized to me my entire JW life !
Although I HEARD from the platform in talks to develop the fruits of God's spirit - love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, mildness, etc . - still the things that were stressed so much more were " be sure to turn your time in at the end of the month " or " reach out to pioneer " or " show you are progressing by commenting at meetings " or " be in good standing " and become " theatrical spectacles " to the world ! All of this appearance and desire for climbing into being a ministerial servant or elder was thrust down my throat like a mother bird cramming worms down it's young !
And the ironic part I noticed as years went by was - That many publishers who were more concerned with attaining positions often DID NOT display God's spirit- love, mildness, kindness, etc. Because they just were interested in attaining position and appearance by field service, commenting at meetings, carrying microphones, giving talks - all " outward " symbols which really had nothing to do with them being a " good " person who shows love or kindness to others. Now- To be fair- of course their were some who valued Godly qualities - but it was getting " our time in field service " that was the BIG thing. So in my opinion it's one reason so many a-holes end up in power positions in the organization. Having a kind, good personality is NOT what's emphasized at all. It's all about production of increasing numbers of converts, and climbing in power and positions for appearance sake.
So what about you folks ? what did YOU see when you were in the Jehovah's Witness cult ? Do you feel like you are able to be more yourself now without all the insane expectations by the WT society on you ? I know I am. And I also feel like a kinder, more concerned individual towards others welfare . So as always - I welcome newbies and old time posters as well ! I enjoy your comments