Do JWs pave the way for Agnosticism/Atheism? My story.

by Open mind 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tuesday

    Good Post Reniaa.

  • mkr32208

    Yes they absolutely do, they teach you to look critically at what the bible says and how that compares to other religions. The problem comes up when the intelligent and open minded witnesses turn that spotlight on the witnesses and see how far they themselves fall short. From there it's only a few incremental degrees to turn that searchlight on the bible itself and it's obvious lies and failings and then on the entire concept of Christianity and human sacrifice and god itself.

    So yes, that type of critical thinking if it can be used with an open mind will kill god every time.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Or you might become an Agnostic Christian. Good values, but without all the baggage of religiousity and God.


  • caliber

    no one can give you a faith in God, now that is something different and very personal.
    I examined myself deeply and the world around me and knew there was a God, you just can't teach that it's born in our hearts.

    Good Post Reniaa. tuesday

    I agree with Reniaa on this point as well !

  • Chalam

    Wazzup OM!

    OK let's see


    Would you say that you can logically explain your faith or is it just something that you "know" at a gut level because Jesus has called you?

    Both! God defies logic in some ways but in others He is quite logical, you can't put Him in a box. In many ways that is no different to most of us. No surprises as we are made in His image.

    What does that mean in practical terms? Well I expect like most you would like God to prove Himself. He will, but not in the way most demand. Obviously you could ask "God, if you exist I demand to see you now" but as most have found that gets a "no". God doesn't say "the righteous will live by faith" many times for nothing.

    If you are sincere and ask "God if you exist I'd really like to know" then God will answer. I have heard so many people have ask Him this and got a clear "proof" that God exists. It won't likely be what you expect but you will be totally sure when all is said and done. Don't worry, it will be nothing at all like you were "sure" as a JW.

    Look out for "coincidences", God likes to use them a lot. Also, listen out for the "voice" of His Spirit. You know when He is around because He has His trademark Galatians 5:22 Once in a while He will get you to deal with some things too, but only in love. Once you are in Christ there is no condemnation Romans 8:1

    If I've painted a false dichotomy here, feel free to point that out as well.

    Hopefully you will see from my answer that there is a dichotomy here but the answer is you cannot "measure" God. To full quantify and know God one would have to be God.

    Please know that I don't look down on believers. "Faith is not a possesion of all people." And I'm one of them.

    I think we are all born with faith. You can see inherent trust in young children. That is why it says this Matthew 18:3 Trouble is, people break our trust in life. That does not mean we should never trust again, or be over cautious, just wise.

    Were your comments and quoting John 14:6 intended to help nudge me towards belief? Just curious.

    I need logical explanations or I'm not buying. And from what I've read in Scripture, that makes me a lost cause.

    Don't worry, that is a common viewpoint, especially amongst the ex JWs. I quite understand and so does God. Just give Him a chance. Men have failed you but God will not and cannot! You have a little faith, otherwise we wouldn't be talking. However, you need to exercise it and see if the results are good and if so press on. Faith is not a blind leap but neither is it testing out every single step. You'll get nowhere fast like that.

    It is like going into business with someone. You check them out, see if they are on the ball, have an plan, have some funds, have a track record. If it looks good then make an agreement with them and get in business. Obviously, you need to check you are making some $$$ and they aren't ripping you off once in a while. So ask God what the deal is? What are the terms of the contract? What do you stand to make? Look at the small print. Ask some people who are business with Him. How are they faring? Some people will tell you God ripped them off. The truth is it was God at all, just a con artist. There are a lot out there using His name. I have been in contract for a while and I say sincerely you will not find a better deal. Money can't buy the stuff God is giving. Like the Beatles said, "money can't buy me love" plus you get real joy, peace, patience, kindness and so much more. Not that God skimps on the $$$ either. He doesn't want you to be poor, just not in love with the stuff. Hope that helps? All the best, Stephen
  • Hopscotch

    In my case it did.


  • megs

    Strange situation for me... I was raised anglican, studies comparative theology in university, which cemented that I believed in a deity (but not necessarily the bible), after a brief study with a JW, I became firmly agnostic.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Well Chalam, I appreciate your concern for me, but I truly feel it's wasted effort.

    I find much comfort in the thoughts contained in The Atheist's Wager:

    "You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in God. If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him."

    Although Wikipedia's article on The Atheist's Wager blows it out of the water, I still like it.

    Shalom Chalam,


  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I disagree, the wikipedia page merely points out that God may not be a nice guy, in which case, fuck him! If he wants to punish me that's his decision, i'm still going to live my life the way i see fit.

  • Chalam

    Hi OM,

    You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in God.


    If there is no God, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind.

    If there is a God then you might have lost something significant. If not, then nothing lost I agree. Place your bets and see if you have picked a winner.

    If there is a benevolent God, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him.

    Maybe Wagner was a former JW? They seem to have this aprroach, Salvation by "works" (knocking on doors, being faithful to the FDS etc).

    The God of the bible is benevolent but just and will judge us on the blood sacrifice of His Son and if we accepted it Ephesians 2:8 1 Peter 3:18 Revelation 22:17

    Anyhow, I hope you keep an open mind regarding God or a lack of one :)

    All the best,


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