Has the new June 2015 Watchtower finally done away with 7000 year creative days? The box “ The Bible and Proven Scientific Facts.” says:
Genesis chapter 1 uses the term “day” to set out the stages in the preparation of the earth for life in all its diverse forms. The culminating event in this simple description was the appearance of humans. The Bible fixes no duration for the six creative “days.” Instead, it opens the door for modern scientists to study them and assign accurate time spans to them. We know that the creative “days” were much longer than 24-hour days.
The WT still avoids saying "billions" or "millions" of years in connection with the creative "days". It seems that everything in this box is consistent with the JW teaching that each "day" was only "thousands" of years long, as repeatedly stated in previous WTs.
I've never read a science paper that assigns "accurate time spans to [the creative days]". Didn't science dispense with the Genesis account a century ago because NOTHING in it aligns with the evidence?
Do you think the WT's use of "accurate time spans" is similar to its use of "true science" (i.e.: whatever agrees with us is true)?
Day seven is not mentioned... perhaps it is still of known length (7000 years)?