I ask this, since if disease famine earthquakes and wars were supposed to be WORSE in the time of the end, why is the average life span longer now than in 1914. Infant mortality rates have gone down (they are included in the statistics) I recall an old law from the era of the American revolution requiring that every male between the ages of 16 to 60 participate in the militia. While that sounds a bit extreme it would make no sense at all if there weren't plenty of able bodied 60 year olds. Why are so many more diseases curable? Acknowledged Why is there more food produced? Because of artificial fertilizer which is made up of natural gas which will peak and then decline along with the population it feeds. If so many more people dying of cancer heart disease and AIDS why is the world population increasing exponentially? You forgot tuberculosis, a major killer in the Third World where the exponential growth is occurring. You can have a de facto life span of 40, an infant mortality rate of 50% and still maintain an exponential growth. Are the WT scare mongering to lend credance to their increasingly doubtful message of doom. They are scare mongering regardless of whether real "doom" is impending or not. The apocalyptic mentality is not so much whether they are in tune with a god or other forces that give them a special revelation. It is about hatred of the world and their fantasizing it's destruction and a new world to replace it. The real menace these false prophet present is that if really bad times do come they will be able to dupe large number of ignorant people. Is the world actually getting better in most ways?? For some people it may be temporarily that is. But the way humanity goes about doing things is unsustainable. There are sustainable ways of doing things and living a life of luxury but society would have to be reinvented from the ground up instead of being "reformed". This is not going to happen, we will have to wait for civilization to crash before a new one is built. So for now the World is, in my opinion, better than in 1914 but it won't stay that way. villabolo |