I'm back... Updates about hubby...

by cognac 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    Turns out, he really doesn't seem to like anything spiritual. He hasn't been to a meeting in weeks. We went out with a bunch of JWs the other night and at the end he told me he was pissed they brought spiritual things up. He said he just wanted a beer and doesn't like it always shoved down his throat...

    He believes spirituality is simply the way we live - that's it... Of course, he can't bring himself to come here... He goes to some meetings simply because he has friends there.

    He just wants to live an easy life. Nothing dramatic.

    I on the other hand, am dramatic. I want to bring the BORG down, lol... But, I will do so calmly, lol... Don't want to stir the hubby up!

  • carla

    Sounds promising!

  • coffee_black

    Welcome back!!!! So happy to see things going so well for you!!!!!!!!


  • minimus

    If your husband gets annoyed by the spiritual talk, he won't stick around too long. Congrats, Cognac!

  • DJK

  • leavingwt

    Good to hear from you.

    Somehow, we need to help him see that it's not "God's Organization". This will free him of Mega Guilt.

  • sacolton

    Sounds like he lacks zeal for Jehovah. Spirituality is the way we live? Hmm. Sounds like apostacy to me. Hope he'll consider fading.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome back. Once your hubby's allowing himself to "think outside the box" of WT stuff, he will tire of their teachings.

  • bluecanary

    Welcome back congac! Glad to hear it's going well with you.

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome back and good to hear things are going well. May I make a suggestion? If you two don't already have "worldly" friends, why not try to make some? At this point, your husband may feel more comfortable if you make friends with women who are married, so you can go out as a couple with other couples. If he has a better social circle elsewhere, he may forget about his "friends" at the hall. Once he does that, he may be able to free his mind enough to see the truth about the "truth".

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