I'm back... Updates about hubby...

by cognac 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    Thanks so much everyone! I hope your right about him being on his way out. I really think he's just there because of friends... I was very surprised that he didn't like the spiritual talk myself...

    It was funny, because when it was brought up he tried asking them a question he believes the society has the wrong info on, and they just said, "Tell us when you find the answer". He probably didn't want to say that he did find the answer and he thinks the society is wrong, lol.

    I'm thinking he's realized that the spiritual talk can only go one way. You can't disagree with anything. Makes for very obnoxious conversations...

  • brinjen

    That is very good news... and welcome back!

  • LockedChaos


  • AllTimeJeff

    His membership within JW's was doomed when he decided to read parts of the bible with an open mind, even if it was the NWT or another. And it wasn't the bible, it's being willing to open your mind that will always doom the borg where individuals decide to become individuals.....

    It goes without saying that the GB burns out more people then they realize with all the meetings and insistence on "talking of spiritual things". Of course, cults don't really care about such things do they.

    Your words Cognac gave me a brief mental pause, it seems that sometimes, we focus too much on "bringing the borg down", and not enough on the ones who want to leave. In other words, I think that while miserable, many want to stay in spite of their misery. You can only help those who see it for what it is and want to leave, and it takes time. It is a process, there is no quick way to do it.

    Nice to see you! Sounds like things are progressing well...


    Hey Cognac!

    It did`nt take you long to find your way home..LOL!!

    Hubby has one foot out the WBT$ Door..

    Whether he Knows it or not..

    Nice to have you back..


  • trebor

    Great to have you back, cognac...

    And that's wonderful news about your hubby!


  • straightshooter

    Glad you are back. Based on what you posted, your hubby is on the way to freedom from the BORG.

    As for friends in the BORG, it depends on who they are. Some can be fine and others can be real BORG promoters.

  • sacolton

    cognac, they aren't his friends. True friendship isn't conditional. Let him ask his "friends" if they will still consider hanging out with him if he left the organization. Who needs friends like that?

  • MissingLink

    You need some "worldly" friends. If you'd set-up a double-date with one of your worldly girl-friends and her husband, then he might start building his support group and find it easier to leave and start living a normal life.

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