English has many, many words that are not spelled phonetically. There are many rules that are inconsistent. Where I have the most trouble is this: inconsistent has a suffix that is spelled tent. But in some words the suffix is spelled tant. I have problems remembering whether or not to use the a or the e when spelling that suffix. There are many words like that in the English language. Is elementery correct? Or is elementary correct? I before E except after C? There are exceptions to this rule.
I have a son who has neurological problems and many learning disabilities and glitches in processing the words he hears into the written word. He spells phonetically. It's the only way he can spell. He is very intelligent, so writing anything is very embarrassing for him. He reads prolifically. When he writes you can understand what he is trying to say because he spells words the way they sound.
And in English the F sound can be spelled with the letter F or it can be spelled with the letters PH. Is the word prolific or proliphic? The list of commonly misspelled words is long. Misspelling is disgraceful? Not in my eyes. Misspellings are very common and to be expected. My only slight irritation is when people interchange the use of the words you're and your.