Undercover you said ....Parrots can talkDid I tell you about mine??? When I was a staunch JW
I taught my bird to say"Jehovah,Jehovah,Armageddons Coming ,
He also said" Stupid Susie"( my daughter 's name) &" Toby,Toby!"
that was the name of my studies dog that came to my house.
I would bring all the neighbours in to hear Polly ,Yes I counted time for it
When bad spelling trolls leave, new bad spellers (studies, JW's, JW lovers) arrive
by OnTheWayOut 77 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I always proof what I enter and will go back and edit errors. For me, English is my first language, and I can type and proof rather quickly. I like to be clear and easy to understand. On the other hand, I don't expect everyone to be great at spelling and grammar. Spelling errors and incorrect grammar usually don't bother me here... usually.
Some of these persons of whom you speak aren't just bad spellers or poor grammarers... they are just typing without thinking. Even if they were to proof their posts to correct spelling and grammar, even to absolute perfection, the actual content of the post is bizarre, off-topic, senseless, or just plain stupid. In those cases, the content of their message becomes cryptic behind terrible spelling and confusing grammar. When we read such gibberish that we can't seem to make much sense out of, it's easiest to spot the misspellings. Really, it's just another layer of errors hiding the errors underneath.
Undercover you said ....Parrots can talk
Did I tell you about mine??? When I was a staunch JW
I taught my bird to say"Jehovah,Jehovah,Armageddons Coming ,hahaha... the WTS should just get more parrots to preach. They don't ask questions, they just repeat what they're taught. Wait...dubs are pretty much the same...
More annoying to me is the misuse of words. Some have already mentioned they're, their, and there. What also gets me is misusing it's for its - it's means it is. So, if you don't mean to say "it is" use its. Another one that bugs me is substituting I for me, as though me is always wrong unless used in isolation.
What also gets me is misusing it's for its - it's means it is. So, if you don't mean to say "it is" use its.
I screw that one up sometimes. I'm so used to using apostrophe s for possesive, like ...Bob's cake... that sometimes when I us it to represent an entity possesing something, I'll slip up and say ...it's cake...
I know ...it's...is it is, but I get going so fast sometimes I don't proof read.
damn grammer and speling nazzis...i hate nazis
I hate embedded youtube videos that don't work unless you go to the site.
And giving respect to the English language and the tongue in which you speak does not mean you are a grammar nazi. Just as not wearing sweats to the grocery store does not mean you're trying to be a supermodel.
Who you callin' a twoll?
Trevor Scott
Am I the only one who assumes that the "new" trolls spell as badly as the "old" trolls because the new trolls ARE the old trolls.....