If I had the power, I would smite this thread. I never make fun of the points made in others' threads.
I don't think anyone is making fun of the point, they all got it. People who come here as trolls to insite arguments or elicit sympathy for a non-existant personal/JW issue use bad grammar and spelling so that we will assume they are uneducated, illiterate poor little victims and give them what they want... Attention, and lots of it. When the fun fades, or they feel that they've been discovered, the pull the, "you guys are so mean, I'm going back to Jehovah. The elders were right! BOO-HOO-HOO-HOO" and they are out of here. Mostly, they create another identity and come back as some other pitiful thing. Most people don't buy it...
BTW, Einstein couldn't spell for s**t and he was hardly a pitiful little victim needing care.