Jonathan, sorry most of us are not interested in what you have to say.
Angel Eye needs an education on the identity and nature of Christ
by jonathan dough 115 Replies latest watchtower bible
keyser soze
Care to debate the issues?
Was that your intent? I thought it was to call out and bully one poster specifically?
The mentioning of 1914 is far more tangling then rambling on about 607......JWs eyes start to glass over as taught by the WTS when 607 is challenged.
I was not trying to divert this topic but offering a better area to begin chipping away at the WTS grip via it's falsehoods. The Trinity debate is a stalemate corner because both sides offer up scriptures as 'proof' and are equally committed theologically to a concept that cannot be settled by us humans.
Yes Trinity is a turn-off for many Arians exiting the WTS, but it wouldn't be if Trinitarians were more willing to accept us instead of insisting your POV is the only POV (similar to the WTS I might add).
jonathan dough
But seeing how both INTERPRETATIONS are not requirements for salvation
I'm not sure I agree with that at all, for Christ said, and I paraphrase, "If you do not believe that I AM you will die in your sins." And, a true believer must confess that "Jesus is Lord." Christ took the name of the Almighty "I AM," and "Lord" is meant in the higher divine sense, that He is Lord and God. One must confess and believe in His Divinity.
jonathan dough
Jonathan, sorry most of us are not interested in what you have to say.
I really don't think you represent the hundreds of people reading these threads; some, yes, but not all of them. And if you aren't interested, why are you even reading this?
Oh, come now. You can come up with better insults than that.
Care to debate the issues?
The mistake you are making is focusing on only one verse when there are many. You are wagging the dog by the tail, but even the Society encourages one to examine all of the evidence, right? And weigh it all?
jonathan dough
Was that your intent? I thought it was to call out and bully one poster specifically?
Maybe you should go back and read the initial post. This isn't bullying, believe me. She is the one who made the allegations, and I responded. Don't read too much into that, please. She is a big girl. If she wants to insult my intelligence and motives she ought to be prepared to defend it.
If she wants to insult my intelligence and motives she ought to be prepared to defend it.
I do believe you are doing a fine enough job of insulting your own intelligence- if you have any
jonathan dough
The mentioning of 1914 is far more tangling then rambling on about 607......JWs eyes start to glass over as taught by the WTS when 607 is challenged.
I was not trying to divert this topic but offering a better area to begin chipping away at the WTS grip via it's falsehoods. The Trinity debate is a stalemate corner because both sides offer up scriptures as 'proof' and are equally committed theologically to a concept that cannot be settled by us humans.
Yes Trinity is a turn-off for many Arians exiting the WTS, but it wouldn't be if Trinitarians were more willing to accept us instead of insisting your POV is the only POV (similar to the WTS I might add).
Well, I can't separate 607 from 1914. I spent too much time researching and writing about that issue, but I do agree that their eyes glass over at the mention of it. It is boring and numerical and probably a bit over some of their heads. That is why I prefer to begin with the Trinity doctrine or the 144,000. Easier to grasp. My point with the Trinity doctrine is to give it a fair hearing and set the record straight. It is not just me talking. Catholics and Protestants are united in this. And, I have yet to see them deal with proof texts all that much. Not recently, at least, perhaps buried in these threads somewhere. There are too many texts that just have not been touched on and avoided. I'm within my rights I think. And all I did was respond to three of hers.
I'm not sure I agree with that at all, for Christ said, and I paraphrase, "If you do not believe that I AM you will die in your sins." And, a true believer must confess that "Jesus is Lord." Christ took the name of the Almighty "I AM," and "Lord" is meant in the higher divine sense, that He is Lord and God. One must confess and believe in His Divinity.
Yawn..... JWs profess Christ's divinity when pressed. I haven't re-read your early postings were you ever a JW? The issue isn't divinity but co-equal/co-eternal..... if you have been a JW refer to your Reasoning book.....
Well, I can't separate 607 from 1914. I spent too much time researching and writing about that issue, but I do agree that their eyes glass over at the mention of it. It is boring and numerical and probably a bit over some of their heads. That is why I prefer to begin with the Trinity doctrine or the 144,000. Easier to grasp. My point with the Trinity doctrine is to give it a fair hearing and set the record straight. It is not just me talking. Catholics and Protestants are united in this. And, I have yet to see them deal with proof texts all that much. Not recently, at least, perhaps buried in these threads somewhere. There are too many texts that just have not been touched on and avoided. I'm within my rights I think. And all I did was respond to three of hers.
I appreciate (dang can you tell I was commenting last night!) wanting to present the trinity as you view it (more power to ya) but to name Angel Eyes in your title, her post only and to insinuate she needs an education by the likes of YOU is a bit Bully-ish and arrogant.
Based on the "I spent too much time" comment above gives this thread a sense of this being about your intellect and findings over others on this board- again a bit arrogant and bully-ish.
I am happy you are satisfied with your finding and happy to have you discuss them in a manner that is respectful, patient and tolerant.
As for the whole Protestant/Catholic commentary......... What ...Arians should shut-up and just join in with your POV because majority of Protestants and Catholics currently profess Trinity! Well if you are gonna suggest that as an argument then perhaps the Lutherans need to just stop all that Protestant nonsense an just return to the RCC because the RCC (who has far more members) agree. Or since there are more Muslims than Xians we should all just start bowing down to Mecca tomorrow morning..... geez this list could go on regarding majority opinions.
Please by all means start as many threads as you like on trinity, 144,000 or anything that sets your heart aflight but do not pick on someone who has just started posting and is just starting to question the WTS it is not only a HUGH turn-off but increases the chances of them returning to the WTS in full because of 'persecution'.......and we want Angel Eyes to stay and grow and become a historically knowlegable JW should she decide to remain a JW!
I Love you in Christ Jonathan but please show greater mildness next time in imitation of OUR savior.