I will say AE is not Reniaa. Jookbeard, who is reputable, knows her personally. I do not think Reniaa could pose as AE- Reniaa was completely addicted to the trinity and disproving it. She could not help herself.
Angel Eye needs an education on the identity and nature of Christ
by jonathan dough 115 Replies latest watchtower bible
angel eyes
to trevor.
Jookbeard doesnt really know me personally...he knew me when i was a child till the age of four and hasnt seen me since but yes we did speak on the phone three/four weeks ago.
This is getting boring now.....sorry.I replied to you issaac via pm :)
what I meant AE's is not a Renaii style of poster, ie, she does not hijack threads/troll a thread over and over like Renaii, I think she is a bit more considerate and respectful
jonathan dough
My point was that, NOWHERE is it plainly stated that there is a "trinity' or that Jesus is God ( John 1:1 not withstanding), we can interpret passages to mean that, and we may be correct, but nowhere is it plainly stated.
You couldn't be more wrong and you are making the same mistakes Reniaa makes by not paying attention to what has been said or written.
The fact that the word "Trinity" is not used in the Bible is irrelevant. Neither is theocracy or monotheism mentioned. The fact that Paul had to correct some people and that there was a debate doesn't prove a thing. You have fallen for the common JW trap of reading things too narrowly and not applying a broader common sense analysis. The catholic and protestant churches have had no problem at all in seeing the strong evidence that the Word was and is God, (not the created humanity of Jesus that is not God the Almighty). It is obvious that you are reluctant to read anything contrary to your opinions.
That Jesus was and is God is incredibly plain, particularly that he was not just a man. I'm not being mean-spirited but you don't understand the hypostatic union. Here are just a few proofs that Jesus was and is God, a divine person who assumed a human nature:
21) Phillip said to Jesus: Show us the Father - (John 14:8-10)
22) Jesus Christ resurrected Himself - (John 2:19 - 22)
24) The Father and I are one - (John 10:27-30)
27) The eternal Christ was not created - (Isaiah 9:6)
30) Prior to His incarnation Christ subsisted in the form (morphe) of God - (Philippians 2:6)
32) The Word was “begotten,” but not made, not created - (John 1:14)
33) The Messiah of the Old Testament stems from eternity - (Micah 5:2; Proverbs 8:22)
34) The Almighty says of Jesus “Your throne, Oh God, is forever and ever” - (Hebrews 1:8, 9)
35) Thomas called the resurrected Jesus “My Lord and my God” - (John 20:26 - 29)
36) Jesus refers to Himself as the “I AM,” which is God’s own self-designation - (John 8:58)
37) And the Word was God - (John 1:1)
46) Jesus Christ is not Michael the Archangel as the Jehovah's Witnesses teach.
47) Conclusion.
There's more, much more. First read, then argue. But don't just skim the titles; that's not good academics. And don't rely upon your own understanding. Many smarter people than you or I have paved the way long ago.
For you, Angel Eyes, because I want your angelic eyes to be opened as mine were.
Trevor Scott
Hi isaacaustin, you may be right. But I will say that they are of the same ilk. Bad spelling aside, they both make inflammatory statements then run from the ensuing "hard" questions that their statements generate. That was my only problem with Renaii and it's my only problem with ae.
jookbeard: granted, ae doesn't hijack threads like renaii did.
Reniaa would jump onto a thread about false propechies for instance and throw in an inflammatory statement about the trinity. AE is always on the topic at hand.
angel eyes
John 2 v19-22 clearly do not say Jesus resurrected HIMSELF. Romans 10v9 says God raised him from the dead.
I could read through all them scriptures and replace them but that would just go on and on....If someone truly wants to know the truth they would listen and it would be shown to them...you feel that this is the case,that what you believe is correct...I totally without doubt disagree.
Luke 4v8. It is Jehovah your God you must worship....Jesus never ever wanted the glory,he did all he did through Jehovahs power. This to me is disrespect to Jehovah and all he has done, it really breaks my heart to think someone could give all credit to Jesus and nothing to our loving Father Jehovah who we have to thank for life itself and who gave us Jesus in the first place.
Issaac,you said some things that were great....yet you say you agree with Jd,but you dont show disrespect...im honestly crushed by the thought that Jehovah has been pushed aside once again. The bible is Jahs word.....sorry but i cant listen to things that purely arent scriptual and that someone picks a scripture and uses it for there benefit......
Believe what you choose,please do but i cant listen to hurtful things.....my love for Jehovah and all his done is far far too strong.
angel eyes
Issaac,i was saying that you dont show disrepsect.....unsure if that came across when re reading what id put....im very emotional...x
I don't think I am making my point in the right way for you, you don't seem to be understanding what I am trying to say...
I view the trinity as an interpretation of the relationship between God, Jesus and the HS.
I view Jesus as, for all intents and purposes, God for in him "all the fullness of God dwells".
I do NOT view Jesus as God The Father.
I do NOT view Jesus as A God or as any type of Angel.
Jesus is our lord and saviour, Son O f God, all that God is, Jesus is.
By the way, while "godhead" is an acceptable translation of the word "theotes", and many translations use it, "deity" is also used and acceptable.