Farkel, I also don't claim to know all the answers. But I am pro Union still. Because I know that without unions, the worker would be even more screwed. Did you look at that link and see that there is no reference to that Hitler courted the unions????
Beks, I hear ya on Reagan, he gets all this credit from the right and is almost glorified. But he was an ass and made our country worse. If the worker makes a fair wage, the economy prospers and so do the businesses both large and small because we buy more autos, more tv's, take more vactions, etc. His trickle down economics makes no sense. Big businesses, the more they make, the more they KEEP. Bull shit they "trickle it down". They are greedy!!! Stock holders freak out at the thought of giving higher wages. But the opposite is true of the regular joe blow. The more he makes, the more he spends. And the more he spends, the more businesses make. And the more businesses make, the healthier our economy is. We would not be in this economic mess if it were not for idiots like Reagan and Bush!
Still, I want to learn more about Hitler/Unions and I don't quite understand the correllation or even if there is one. Why did Hitler hate unions? Was it as the right claims, just because they would compete for power?
Or did he in fact have more in common with the right in his hatred of unions?
Where is Sixy? I think he might have some input I need.