I've heard it said and I've searched the internet and found comments to this effect. But I cannot find any quotes from Hitler or Mussolini themselves. Does anyone have any evidence to this? I could use it to prove a point in an argument I'm having with a friend.
Evidence Hitler and Mussolini Despised Unions
by bluesapphire 32 Replies latest jw friends
Hitler courted the labor unions in the 1920's and procured their support. In 1933 he took them over and abolished them.
From one of my favorite sources. See paragraph 2 on page 213.
keyser soze
I could use it to prove a point in an argument I'm having with a friend.
Why is it so hard for your friend to believe that dictators would have a problem with labor unions?
They had their own versions: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_syndicalism
Why is it so hard for your friend to believe that dictators would have a problem with labor unions?
Dictators generally don't take kindly to any independent locus of power, be that a union, business, church, newspaper, etc. They take over all them if they do not outright destroy them, be they fascist, or socialist. Two sides of the same statist coin.
keyser soze
Dictators generally don't take kindly to any independent locus of power, be that a union, business, church, newspaper, etc. They take over all them if they do not outright destroy them
I wouldn't call Reagan a dictator. A little power-hungry, maybe.(ducks and runs)
Friend believes:
Unions = bad bad bad, socialist, bad for economy, corrupt, Reagan hated, Bush hated, I love Reagan and I love Bush therefore I hate unions ...
I believe:
Unions = good for the worker, some are corrupt but the premise is still good, we need a channel to compete with "big business" I hate Reagan and Bush...
Friend would *never ever ever in her wildest imagination* conceive that Hitler was also a hater of unions. So if I say this, I have to back it up with FACTS! Indisputable FACTS.
And YOU are correct Blue! Don't ever let them tell you otherwise!
Take a look unions in coal mining and clothing industries early last century. It's just you and me, the common worker, demanding fair wages etc. Actually first go back to the conditions of those industries for the workers. Also fruit and cotton picking. Look into "company stores".
As for Hitler and Mussolini, one of the first things they both did as they gained power, was squash the labor unions. Just google Hitler brownshirts unions/labor. Or Mussolini blackshirts unions/labor.
As for Reagan. Don't get me started Keyser!!! It was Reagan that put us on the path we are on. He screwed the unions. Oddly, wages have stagnated or decreased since. Even though we've had higher productivity.
Is there possible corruption in union leadership? Of course!! As in damn near every aspect of our lives. Look at the Catholic Church!
You don't have to convince me. I'm already a die hard. I have to convince another die hard on the complete polar opposite. And I have to give her convincing evidence.
I have looked up what is on line. But I would like to see a quote or something from Hitler about unions. Something he said about what he believed about them. I know he abolished unions but we already know the right twists it all around the way they do. So if there is a quote that cannot be misconstrued. That is what I'm looking for.
I thought maybe you or Sixy would point me in the right direction.
I'll look girl. There's just such a line of history in this country..................