:Farkel, I'm tempted to say some very pointed things that might appear rude. I won't. I will only say, that I am merely stating fact. Wages have decreased or stayed the same, even though productivity has gone up.
That is not ALL you said, beks. You followed one of your statements about "productivity going up" with this statement:
:So that means we are working longer and harder, and the employers are making more pofits, but workers are making less.
Increased productivity does NOT necessarily guarantee increased profits. Yet, you clearly drew the assumption that since productivity was up, employers were making more profits. If you didn't mean that, then say so, but don't deny you said it, because you did say it I've just presented proof of that. My posts to you were based upon your own words I quoted right here.
It may be a "fact" that wages are down and productivity is up, or that wages are down and profits are up. I'm not disputing that. I'm disputing your implied assertion that one is directly the cause of the other, and THAT is a logical fallacy if there are other possibilities. And yes, there ARE other possibilities.