The average Pew sitting church goer tends towards a rational logical approach to faith and belief, Witnesses included. They conceive of a supreme being who cares for them and who will reunite them with family and friends in the afterlife. Bizarre concepts and damaging religious duities have to be forced into the equation of faith by some fear factor or hate mongering. How many Protestants or Catholics actually believe in a literal Hell anymore, only in some Fundamentalists venues is it still preached. Same with the Trinity, most church goers describe the Father as God and Jesus as the son of God* see Prof. Marshall's book New Covenant Theology. R&F Witnesses are similar, Jesus is viewed as their savior and more are believed to survive Armageddon or be in the New Order than is preached from the platform and in the mags..
Getting rid of the negative damaging influences in our lives and replacing them with positive productive ones is part of the natural journey. We just need to take the first steps.