Why Some People are Better Off in Cults

by Dogpatch 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Why Some People are Better Off in Cults


    The family unit has always been the core of mankind’s strength to survive sometimes insurmountable odds against nature, other men and the arbitrariness of life. When you stand alone, you have no one there to hold you up, defend you or take care of you.

    If, on the other hand, you are part of a nurturing family, you have access to the helps of others, and in turn are obligated to be there when another in the family suddenly needs you. Families create stability.

    The need for family is so ingrained in us, that in the absence of a traditional family, most of us will seek out alternate “family” to meet this need. A missing father or mother, an abusive family member, a lack of friends to share with, or our own physical or emotional inability to take care of ourselves, are all extremely powerful primal reasons to find replacements who will more or less fill this need for family.

    If we are looking for social community, we might join a club like the YMCA, Boy Scouts, or volunteer for a community project.

    If we are troubled with addictive substances or uncontrollable behaviors, we might choose something like Alcoholics Anonymous or Gamblers Anonymous.

    If we are more inclined to the “supernatural,” or religious view of life, we are more likely to seek out spiritual “brothers and sisters” that are more helpful and kind than members of our genetic family. A “like-minded” way of thinking is often of great comfort, and churches can offer that to an even greater degree that other organizations (usually through more specific membership requirements).

    Therefore, a church or social organization often becomes one’s functional family, even if, at times, supporting this new family can mean reducing time with one’s genetic family, or even replacing it completely.

    In practice, churches are therefore an EXTENDED FAMILY.

    ABUSE 1 is Perceived Differently by Others

    When something goes sour in that religious family, be it by physical or sexual abuse, lying, usury or undue coercion from the leader or leadership, it will often be labeled as a CULT. A cult (by current usage) is basically seen as an ABUSIVE extended family.

    Not all in the cult will perceive the abuse as serious. Why? Because, just as in real families, the abuse may either not target ALL the members, or more commonly those in control make exceptions for some persons in the family, showing favoritism to some while shunning others. Those in the same frame of mind as the leadership are extended special favors. Think of Communism as formerly practiced in the USSR and China, and notice that top party members had favors that the average peasant could only dream of… a new car, a dacha in the mountains, or attending high society functions. 2

    In every high-control group, whether it be religious, political, or even tribal, those who receive favoritism will almost always overlook the darker, shadow side of the overall social scheme. It is not to their “personal advantage” to complain or change the status quo.

    The rank-and-file will often be torn by the various advantages/disadvantages of leaving the group, and will decide if they want to stay in the group. Their decision is based on whether the abuse really affects them, or just others. They weigh both sides, and pick what they think is the best personal solution. “Is this good for me, or not? What will I lose if I complain?”

    On the other hand, the ones who see the abuse and the hypocrisy in their midst may complain when the mental or emotional pain becomes too great. They see the “dark shadow” all too well. The “family” is not working for them and they will no longer tolerate the abuse and deception.

    Most People are not Interested in the Truth

    The “truth” about a complex question is about as interesting to most people as the obituary column in a newspaper. Facts are uninteresting. Deception, magic tricks, wild stunts, and miracles are all FAR more fascinating. We want to hear stories. Newspaper tabloids and gossip columns are a perfect example. We live in a world where obfuscation and deception are a part of daily life for all of us. Such is woven deeply into the genetic makeup of all creatures on this planet.

    Those who are enamored with their extended families are far more interested in survival of their own group, because it is meeting a specific need for them. “Facts” can cause problems. “Facts” are often threatening to the survival of the group:

    • “Facts” may be dangerous to the junk food manufacturer if he has to print ingredients and nutrition information for all to see. It will hurt the business.
    • “Facts” are twisted by world governments to protect their own interests and their sovereignty.
    • A family of six that seems to be getting along fine does not want to hear the “fact” that dad was a sexual abuser in the past.
    • Religions that have made special claims that don’t stand up to the “facts” resist exposure by limiting access to such information.

    Unless a cult member actually comes to you specifically because he/she is interested in the “facts” about their group, you are perceived as a threat to their survival by challenging them with the “facts.” You have nothing to offer them, because they are not seeking objective truth anyway. They desire an extended family that works for them. They feel they have that! If they can’t see a better family or a better way of meeting these primal social needs, you become their enemy. You are a threat to their mental and possibly even physical survival.

    What are We Trying to Do for the Person?

    A close analogy to trying to get a person out of a destructive cult just because it is “destructive” might be likened to the illusion that invading Iraq and offering the people democracy in place of dictatorship will be welcomed by the peoples of Iraq. In principle this might seem true, but in actual practice the destruction of the extended family unit (the state) might prove to be more destructive in the end. We may not foresee the destruction of social stability left in our wake, not to speak of the long-term psychological trauma of being invaded by a foreign country!

    No Place for Force

    I have found the motivation of many in getting a family member or friend out of a cult is to “bring them to the RIGHT religion.” I have always found it unethical to attempt such a thing without allowing a time of recovery, investigation into what determines “truth” or falsehood,” and teach them how to make decisions on their own. I am equipped to teach extensively on the Bible, so if and when they are ready to discuss it, I am right there for them. But that is not my main goal. My main goal is to bring them to a place of believing in their own ability to make sound decisions, rather than putting hope in leaders.

    If they have a natural hunger for spiritual things, it will blossom once their fear dissipates. I personally find that almost all of those who I have exit-counseled turned out in the end to be VERY interested in the Bible and God, whereas many who leave and who do not have any kind of professional counseling seem to be very bitter on the subject of God, or still live in fear of him. There are many “land-mines” that have to be extracted from one that has been abused by cult mind control. The fear, the anger, the guilt, and the negativity must be addressed and dissipated.

    The REAL Reason they Joined

    Cults are abusive to many people. But perhaps the victim may envision the new “family” as less abusive than the one trying to “get them out.”

    Often what many good-intentioned family members may not realize is that the “victim” may have actually joined a cult to get away from the family’s religion! The exit-counselor will sense if this is the case. Granting a person the freedom to choose their own spiritual path earns the respect of the victim and gives them a sense of empowerment they may have never felt before.

    It has been said there is no one reason people join cults. Rather, they are trapped at a vulnerable time in their life…. The death of a loved one, a new baby, etc. The desire to believe in something greater is so powerful, that the more critical examination usually given to such groups is quickly dismissed after a short investigation.

    People who have no primal needs to join such types of churches are usually not hooked into the group. They may study with the Jehovah’s Witnesses or whoever, find it curious and interesting companionship, but will then move on if their pursuit is mostly intellectual. Most people do find such groups boring and duplicitous in the end… just another religious scheme. But you can be sure that the ones who remain after conversion are there for powerful reasons, primal reasons. They don’t want your “facts.”


    footnotes and full article at:


  • leavingwt

    Excellent article.

    It's very unrealistic to think we can enlighten all cult members. Most will go to their graves wearing their Watchtower Boots.

  • leavingwt

    This is a great portion to highlight:

    You have nothing to offer them, because they are not seeking objective truth anyway. They desire an extended family that works for them. They feel they have that! If they can’t see a better family or a better way of meeting these primal social needs, you become their enemy. You are a threat to their mental and possibly even physical survival.

  • undercover

    Good article...

    I'm still reading it but wanted to comment on the quote that LWT highlighted...

    This is why I don't push things on some members of my family. They are happy as JWs, they don't want to know anything else and some of them are too old to change quite frankly. Like my parents...in their 70s. If I blusted their bubble, they'd probably spend the rest of their days misreable, realizing they wasted their life on a cult. So it's better to let them live the rest of their life in the delusion they've set up for themselves. They're happy, they have their JW friends and are content with the status quo. I don't want to upset them beyond what they can take.

    Thanks Randy...

  • straightshooter

    Thanks for the article.

    Before I became a JW, I thought no way I would ever become a JW. After I became a JW, I thought there is no way that I would ever leave the "truth". Now it still baffles me why I stayed and defended the JW for so long.

    Yes you are definitely right, not all will see the WTS for what it really is.

  • mouthy

    Thanks for the article.

  • Satanus

    Good article, randy. I too, don't try to get my family out. I don't have a better social sytem to offer them. If any of them do become curious about leaving, i certainly have any and all the information that they might need. However, until that time comes, if it does, i recognize that they are adults who can make their own decisions.


  • kurtbethel

    This explains, in part, some of the irrational and nonsensical things I have been told in defense of the organization.

  • startingover

    Great article, thanks!

  • MadGiant



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