All active, paid-up, card-carrying JWs have to toe the party line in all things - or else.
Marriage in JW land is officially the only approved way to enjoy a sexual relationship. That may lead to the birth of a child - normally, seen as a milestone, happy event. Often, though, not in JW land!
This is why so many JW believers lives have been totally ruined with the indoctrination on JW marriage rules. I know that many JWs marry only to have 'approved sex'. What they might then find out might make them discover that they shouldn't have bothered. The wait wasn't worthwhile. Often, they then find themselves stuck in a nasty marriage, with absolutely no way out to stay loyal to the cult. It usually goes down-hill after that.
Surely, there is a better, more informed way? People are far more moral than the men in the GB care to acknowledge.
lifelong humanist