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by tryingtoexit 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Hang out and learn and contribute

  • tryingtoexit

    @ Albert, thanks alot, I'll do my best to keep searching, that is my ultimate goal to live MY life, thanks for the encouragement

    @ hotspur, you're right, thats what I want...I want to be honest with myself, I write poetry alot, I constantly find my pen writing about how I want to do what I know is right, but just havent figure it out yet completely you know?

    @ monkeyman, I feel you, I'm kind of where you are in a way, I hardly go out in service, maybe once a month if that, elders tx me for my FS time, lol, I reply "zero", I'm able to maintain my relationships right now, and I've been doing this things called "Observations" in Microsoft Word, and then reading them to my parents and sharing them with my wife, we have interesting conversations, but I've hit my dad with alot of things he simply just cant answer, and when he does it usually doesnt satisfy me, but the more "controversial" subjects I do tend to keep to myself for now, but I'm itching to drop some bombs on em, cause I hope the aftermath will clear them out of there with me.

    @ etna, I really dont know, I was just talking to my cousin earlier, and she was saying despite how she feels about Witnesses they live a good clean moral life, they dont cuss, they help children, and for that she will always appreciate them, I do acknowlegde the good things witnesses do, I mean my parents are probably 2 of the most giving people I've ever been around, and not just because Im they're son, the whole city will tell you that, but the evidence or should I say the bad tips the scale in the other direction completely, but there is always that feeling of "what if".........so it is good to hear what others have to say....

  • yknot

    I see many many many JWN commentary in your future........ (and I look forward to them!)

    I think you know your tolerance levels.... I think you love those three people enough to stay too.

    Lots of ways to play that angle ya know.....

    However......BUT.....(cuz there are always those words) what about when you and the wifey have children?

    That is what you are gonna need to discern, long before the event.....

    Perhaps find a good marriage counselor.........

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    Tryingtoexit Welcome to the board - you will receive much support here. Its looks to me you are doing things right - you have done your research and started dealing with facts. I was an elder and resigned October 2007, last meeting was February 2008. I did months of detailed research just like yourself - the meetings became unbearable - I just wanted to scream at the top of my voice. When I told my wife I was leaving she was heartbroken. The good news? When she saw the evidence she left as well - Woo Hoo! You are at the brink of some major decisions and it will be an emotional/ mental rollercoaster but it is oh so worth it - there is light at the end of the tunnel... The Scotsman

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Welcome Mate. Sounds like your just started to think for yourself rather than just be a mindless robot.....thats not Satanic at all.

  • dinah

    Welcome, Tryingtoexit. The Scot is right. It is a rollercoaster.

    Reading CoC and the treatment of our brothers in Malawi (you're too young to remember that) and how that was all avoidable made me so angry.

    A little background, I was df'd at 18 and continued believing it was "the truth" until I was about 30. Talk about a miserable existence! Reading the bible, ALONE, really opened my eyes more than anything. Crisis of Conscience only backed up what I had figured out on my own. They take scripture out of context to make their "rules"

    They use old testament examples of God killing people instantly to make the flock live in fear of displeasing--not Jehovah--but the elders and the GB. It is a fear-based religion. The shunning policy and the fear of death at Armageddon is how they maintain control of the "sheep"

    Welcome to the board. Glad you finally posted after lurking.

  • mouthy

    A very big WELCOME!!! Reading your post saddens me.
    I know just how you feel.When they kicked me out over 1914
    I still believed it was truth,felt I had become a Judus/.
    Wanted to kill myself, lost a daughter,grandkids,friends BUT
    you sound like your being taught by the HOLY SPIRIT while
    your still in,,,,That is wonderful, I had to find out all the lies AFTER
    they "ousted" me.There was no groups like this that I knew of
    so went through "hell' on my own...The thing that saddens me about you
    is the FAMILY love...YOU MAY LOSE THEM!!!!!If they find out you dont follow
    the rules of Brooklyn.That is sad.

    I feel this is a very dangerous cult.Worse than Jonestown,Waco,
    because instead of their followers dying in a group,they are dying
    one here one there all over the world,from suicide,no blood,etc
    I wish you peace my friend.And may God continue on directing,guiding you

    http://exjw.weebly.com Grace Gough( Canada

  • dinah
    I feel this is a very dangerous cult. Worse than Jonestown, Waco,
    because instead of their followers dying in a group, they are dying
    one here one there all over the world,from suicide,no blood,etc

    That bears repeating, Granny. I never thought of it that way, but it's so true. We've had another suicide thread this week, and many on this board have lost friends and family to suicide and the blood doctrine. So many of us seriously contemplated suicide ourselves.......

    Dying one by one doesn't make the news...............

  • Diva

    Hi and welcome

    I like you was born and raised a JW. My mum and 3 sisters. nephews and niceces are still in. Me and my JW husband faded nearly 3 years ago - for different reasons - mine were, UN scandal. false prophcies, lack of love mainly. My husband began questioning things a couple of years before me and I used to get really annoyed with him, missing meetings and fs, not mixing with the bros and sisters, making sarcastic comments about the org - to the point that I worried he was turning apostate and I would have to speak to the elders about it.

    Fortunately for us both, I began to listen to him and found that I couldn't argue against his well reasearched comments and objections - and that's what got me questioning and finding things out for myself.

    Since our fade, my sisters have slowly stopped speaking and communicating with us. Thankfully my mum still talks to us and treats us just the same, I'm so grateful for that.

    There is hope for your wife. My advice is little by little, slowly ask her questions about the lack of love, false prophecies etc. Maybe do it on the pretense of 'bible study'. Sit there sorrounded by the Societies lierature and say 'hey did you realise the GB used to say this or that....'

    Please continue to post and use this board. I hope things work out for you.


  • wantstoleave


    Your post sounds like alot of us here, love our family, don't want to lose them - but cant live the lie any longer. Its suffocating. Like you, I've gone back and forth over the years, thinking yes its the truth, to no its not. Tried throwing myself into it for almost a solid year, then became discouraged again. Its so easy to lose sight. Then I found this site. I had never before looked at anything remotely 'apostate'. Ive been active on this board a couple of weeks now, and the support has been amazing.

    Your wife sounds really pushy, but maybe most Jw wives are like that? I'm not sure, because my ex husband never reached out, never took the lead and never bothered with 'the truth' much at all, so I never badgered him about anything spiritual. Then when I started to have doubts, he'd sit there preaching to me, yet never himself went to meetings or on the field. Hypocritical. It sounds like you dearly love your wife and parents, but you've reached a cross roads. You don't have to make a rash decision, but that all depends on your personality, and whether a quick cut and dry exit may be best for you, or the slow fade, with your wife on your back.

    Spend some time here, giving your thoughts on topics and get to know everyone. There is a wealth of knowledge amongst friends here :)

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