*Everyone Please Enter, I'm New Here*

by tryingtoexit 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p


    Thanks for coming on here and sharing with us.

    Hearing your own post makes me think of myself, so I guess that means I can identify with you. Like you, I was raised in the truth, and all of my close family are in it. Also, I only starting thinking AFTER i got married, and I have a good idea of what you might have to go through.

    You're about to enter into a very rough time. If you keep thinking for yourself, you'll find out which family members stay close and which ones don't. You'll find out that, for those in the "truth," it's imperative to accept answers without questioning. You'll also find out the true depth of your relationship with your wife.

    The simple fact is, for some JWs, they truly do worship the organization itself. For other JWs, they have a more balanced view of WT authority, can think for themselves to a degree, and don't always tow the party line. Luckily for me, my wife fell in the latter category. But that doesn't mean that my transition into a free-thinking person didn't come at a huge emotional expense. It was hard. Incredibly hard, and very painful, and there were quite a few times when we truly didn't know if we would stay together.

    But here we are, been married 7 years, with our first child on the way. And we're incredibly happy together.

    Just to say that staying together CAN BE DONE when one changes, but that there's no way for you to know that at this point.

    I would just say that it is worth it to BE YOURSELF, to THINK clearly, and REJECT this corrupt, white-washed organization. It's not just a matter of twisted doctrine... it's a matter of child abuse cover-ups, and hypocritical and harmful policy based on those twisted doctrines. The more you learn about the WTS, the more you'll realize that it is a CORPORATION that looks out for its own interests first and foremost. Lawyers are running the organization, not God's so-called "channel of communication."

    It doesn't have to mean that you dissassociate yourself; it might mean that you fade away, like me. But that takes some finesse, and you have to NOT talk about your reasoning with anyone else, except your wife.

    How your wife handles the transition will be everything. If she can't handle it, and placed her allegiance to the organization ahead of her love for you... well start packing buddy, because sticking around after that is a long road into hell, and there are plenty of examples here on JWD of that exact scenario. But give her time, nonetheless. Remember, she married someone with all the qualities she thought were important to her. Now that you've changed, she will have to re-evaluate all of that. So give her time, be VERY patient, and very loving.

    Send me a private message if you want... peace out,


  • tryingtoexit

    Wow! There are so many replies, I really appreciate this, everyone that responded this means more to me than you know trust me!

    First of all, I definitely will try to start contributing to other people's threads and making my own, I definitely feel comfortable here, which is kind of funny, everytime (the past 4 years) a witness invites me to something I instantly feel uncomfortable and lazy, weird huh?

    I dont have time to thank everybody one by one like I want, but I'd like to say special thanks Chalam, snowbird, and OnTheWayOut.

    Chalam thanks for breaking down my view points and giving me great non bias insight, I enjoy reading your post already since I've been lurking, snowbird no doubt thanks for feeling me, OnTheWayOut I appreciate your advise, very very very much, I will do my best to apply the things you've mentioned in a way that will benefit me.

    My dad kind of suspects I'm "loosing zeal" as he puts it, he says things like "Satan was able to tempt Eve in the garden of Eden by placing doubt in her mind, there was no computers, google, encyclopedias, other humans in her ear or none of that, she had no reason to doubt Jehovah. But, once Satan placed that seed of doubt with 'Is it really soooo', thats was the beginning of the fall of mankind son"

    I usually just sigh, but I can see where he's coming from, and considering my parents got 4 and 5 decades of JW knowledge on their side, and they raised me, it's hard to hit them the way I want too, my wife is a different story, based on how she acts I'm almost positive her loyalty is with our congregation over me. I read on here when I was lurking that somebody said "this religion is a lazy man's paradise, a religion for those people who cant or dont want to think for themselves".......that couldnt be any truer, lol, and my wife's side of the family is so ghetto, I mean they cant talk or speak good english, they're complete idiots to me, there's only about 4 of her family members in "the truth" so there wont be much to deal with on her side, it's my side that was a legion of followers.

    Once again thanks to everybody for welcoming me and sharing their thoughts, experiences with me, I read them all thoroughly and really appreciate them for real, I'll stick around these parts for a long time, I feel some of you all are wonderful people even though I dont know you that well, but based on what I've read these past 6/7 months, I am drawn to you guys, especially since you have your own brain.

    Let me leave with another quote from my elder father "Noah had to preach for 120 years, and nobody believed him. Even Jesus said believe the works, if you dont believe me, believe the works. No one took note until the flood swept everyone away. The world will not take note until they see the celestial signs, but by then it will be too late"

    He always says stuff like that, he's no dummy, he knows I'm on my way out, I just hope and pray (dont even know how to really pray anymore) that my wife and I can make it through this...

  • snowbird
    He always says stuff like that, he's no dummy, he knows I'm on my way out, I just hope and pray (dont even know how to really pray anymore) that my wife and I can make it through this...

    Here's hoping for and with you.


  • tryingtoexit

    Thanks Sylvia, I'm feeling the love, I will pm youtonight when I get back home, thanks again.

    We need a mobile application for this forum, so I can just log on from my blackberry like Facebook, lol.

  • snowbird
    Thanks Sylvia, I'm feeling the love, I will pm youtonight when I get back home, thanks again.

    Don't even mention it.


  • daniel-p

    my parents got 4 and 5 decades of JW knowledge on their side

    Hold on there. Your parents have 4 to 5 decades of ignoring their own reasoning ability, ignoring outside evidence, and suppressing their doubts. What you need to embrace is that DOUBT IS A GOOD THING.

    Doubt is a survival mechanism. Our minds say, "hey, something's not quite right here... maybe I should look into this more before accepting it as fact." Jehovah's Witnesses CANNOT listen to that voice, because their beliefs are so fragile.

    It's by no means limited to JWs, though. Anyone who's beliefs are built on a fragile foundation has to suppress that voice, as well. In fact, they demonize it, and convince themselves that if they listen to it, they'll in effect, die.

    It's fear. Fear that their whole world will no longer make sense. And that's pretty much what happens, but only for a brief period. After that, EVERYTHING makes sense, and suddenly there's a new world to discover.

  • snowbird

    Daniel, pee!


  • daniel-p

    Daniel, pee!


    you'll never let that one go, will ya Sylvia!!!

  • nelly136

    nice to meet you,

    even if you're not sure what you want to do yet, it might be worth while expanding your social circle as much as you can (if you havent started already) in case you get to the point where you want to jump ship. a little bit of preparation now could go a long way to easing the transition.

  • whoknows

    Welcome to the board! This place is a refuge for people in your situation. I can really relate to your parent problem. Even though my husband and I had major issues with some teachings for many years, we remained in a state of cognitive dissonance until after my mom-in-law died at age 91!! She too was a wonderful, loving person, the best mother anyone could want. It was only after her death that we allowed ourselves to really say out loud what we had suppressed for so long. When we finally started talking about it - it was all we talked about for a solid year. I realize that we are lucky to have both been on the same page. Don't give up hope for your wife, there are many here who with patience have been able to get their spouses to eventually "see the light".

    Where are you Besty and Sweetpea? This young man needs your advice!

    Hang in there, we all feel for you!

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