Apostate minimum qualifications

by Mum 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well. I dont want to offend the mighty xena, even if she hasnt read the parallels, maybe Id better say SHE qualifies.
    But generally, really, There are people who have slaved long and hard to obtain pride in the label apostate.
    We cant just go around handing em out to everybody who stops attending meetings. I mean, how can someone who wasnt ever baptized, let alone disfellowshipped, dare call themselves apostate?

    I am offended, stumbling, staggering in the race to perdition...

  • Xena

    Funny I was speaking with a friend who no longer attends the meetings (but still thinks the JW's have the "truth") and telling her about this board...her perception was that all these apostate Ex JW's on here must have committed immorality..after all isn't that why everyone leaves the "truth"....sssooo according to her an apostate is an immoral person who can't measure up to the JW standards...according to you it is someone who has studied anti JW lit.

    Which do you suppose it is? To me it is just a term JW's use to define anyone who is no longer a JW and who disputes their claim to having the "truth". But that is just my opinion

  • ThiChi

    Who ever thought it would come to this? hahaaaaaaa lol

  • rhett

    I don't know about that. I was never baptized but all the local JW's avoid me like the plague. Its actually kind of fun though! Talk about watching people squirm just by you being happy.
    Tell her congrats. I consider her an apostate!

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • Francois

    Xena, if you need some help in getting to the vaunted estate of apostateness, you just let me know. I have plenty to spare.

    As for Mum's daughter: Welcome my young friend, to the world of Apostatedom. I don't think you should be denied membership in our elite eliteness just because the JWs lack of imagination. And remember, there's more of us than there is of them. So there.


  • ThiChi

    Well, I consulted the Reasoning book, and just treating the door to door work “lightly” can make you an apostate. It is very easy to become one, you know.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    If it is a matter of immorality....
    No... I will not be drawn into commenting on your qualifications,xeen.

    I think the term apostate, carries a conotation of oppossing the churches teachings, and spreading anti church Satanic teachings.
    Surely to be able to do this one must have accurate knowledge, obtained thru much research.
    Look ,I dont want to reject this young person from our holy assemblage here, perhaps a compromise?
    "Trainee apostate".
    But she must do her homework and pass the test of entry into the banner of "The Unholiest of the Unholy".

  • Xena

    lol refiners

    No... I will not be drawn into commenting on your qualifications
  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Xeen. I do not judge people on mere hearsay, nor do I repeat vicious rumour and slander. I judge on first hand experience, and in your case I have none...regrettably...

  • Satanus


    It's certainly encouraging to see this interest in apostacy. It took me a whole year of posing tough questions to elders, friends, jw workmates, and family before i was dfd as an apostate. However there are easier ways. The honorary titles bestowed by those on this thread are good. However, to aleviate all doubt of apostateness in your daughters mind, the following will help.

    Have her make a placard with 'down w jehovah, up w satan', or 'jehovahs witnesses are liars', or 'the wt is a snare and a racket' or something similar. Then there remains but one step to guarantee her stature as a fullblooded apostatess. Choose a sunday, and stand with the placard across the street from a kingdom hall for several hours as jws go in and out. You could stand w her to make it easier. At most, she will recieve some jeers or laughter. True, it won't be equal to the inquisition style judicial meetings most of us have gone through, but she will likely feel a bit of the sting that it conveys a jw to full apostacy standing.

    Wishing you and your many apostate years

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