Hubby is Researching 607...

by cognac 183 Replies latest jw friends

  • scholar


    Post 1106

    If you had bothered to read the Insight article your would have learnt that 60y BCE was marked by the 11th year of the Zedekiah's reign and the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzer's reign if counting from his accession year or his 18th regnal year. Nebuchadnezzer began his first regnal year in Nisan, 624 BCE preceeded by his accession year in 625 BCE see Insight, p. 480. Thus the matter of the 18th/19th of Nebuchadnezzer is easily resolved by the 'celebrated WT scholars.

    I notice that you conveniently avoided addressing the issue of fixing a precise date for the Fall of Jerusalem because you simply do not and cannot know. Your chronology like that of many othersecular chronologies is compromised by methodology and your methodology fails you when you most need it. Our chronology devised by the clebrated WT scholars works because of our methodology and interpretation of the Bible so we know the precise calender year of the Fall of Jerusalem in 607 BCE.

    It appears that you are having triuble in understanding the terms that scholar invented: Event-based chronology versus Regnal-based chronology. The former term describes the methodology of WT biblical chronology and the latter describes the methodology of most secular chronologies which rely too much on calendation at the expense of accurate history. I can explain this further if you require.

    Regarding the ongoing debate between Furuli and Jonsson typified in the Catastrophism Review website I will phone Furuli this week to get his side of the story as your comments are too biased and useless. Furuli is a very competent scholar and I know from my conversations with him that he is on top of this debate.

    scholar JW

  • isaacaustin

    Here Scholar, let me help you out a bit. Nebu's ascension year was 605 BCE, not 625BCE. So start your mathematics there. The exact date of Jeru's destruction does not matter to any of us, since it is only a date of academic interest...the 586 or 587 issue coming from whether it was regnal or ascension year dating for Nebu. It only matters to you, because it is wrong and shoots apart your 7 gentile times drivel.

  • AnnOMaly

    Re: 'skol-drinker' #1758

    If you had bothered to read the Insight article your would have learnt that 60y BCE was marked by the 11th year of the Zedekiah's reign and the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzer's reign if counting from his accession year or his 18th regnal year. Nebuchadnezzer began his first regnal year in Nisan, 624 BCE preceeded by his accession year in 625 BCE see Insight, p. 480. Thus the matter of the 18th/19th of Nebuchadnezzer is easily resolved by the 'celebrated WT scholars.

    If you'd bothered to absorb my post, you'd have remembered that the Bible doesn't tell us how to count the regnal years. That is why there has been some confusion between one year and another. In the Insight book, the WT researchers have used the solution celebrated 'worldly' scholars and celebrated scholars of Christendom have come up with (get it the right way round, will you?). But the fact remains: the Bible gives two different regnal years for Neb's destruction of Jerusalem. Period.

    I notice that you conveniently avoided addressing the issue of fixing a precise date for the Fall of Jerusalem because you simply do not and cannot know.

    My post #1104.

    It appears that you are having triuble in understanding the terms that scholar invented

    You 'invented' them? That explains everything. Thanks.

    Regarding the ongoing debate between Furuli and Jonsson typified in the Catastrophism Review website I will phone Furuli this week to get his side of the story as your comments are too biased and useless. Furuli is a very competent scholar and I know from my conversations with him that he is on top of this debate.

    LOL. How can you know whether my 'comments are too biased and useless' if you've not read the article?

    Neil, to pause a moment from all this huff and bluster we're doing ...

    I have to tell you I don't bear the man any malice. I just wish he would stop. He is highly respected in the JW community and, because he's known to be scholarly and 'deep,' the friends take what he says on trust. They believe he is punching some real holes in the traditional chronology, opening up the hope that the WTS' chronology is at least possible (for all the reasons we know).

    But he isn't even making any dents because his hypothesis is based on faulty premises and often plainly incorrect data, which anyone who takes the trouble can verify for themselves. The astronomical parts alone are a mess. Instead of a work that should make experts and amateurs sit up and seriously consider his arguments, it makes the reader cringe with embarrassment over all the misinformation and gaffes he makes. This does his reputation no favors at all, and the more he dabbles with this the worse it seems to get. For his own sake, I wish he'd stop. For the sake of not misleading the friends, I wish he'd stop.

    I assume you have his two books, Neil. Have you checked his data for yourself? Have you followed along with an astronomy program (e.g. SkyViewCafe is free, online, user-friendly and reasonably accurate for the time period in question). It can be laborious and tedious at times, but rather than giving knee-jerk reactions in defense of your hero, please CHECK FOR YOURSELF and then you'll be able to see whether there is substance to my and others' criticisms or not.

    I'll leave those thoughts with you.

  • jonathan dough
  • isaacaustin

    'scholar' said:Seventy years of desolation, servitude to Babylonian rule, exile in Babylon all confirmed by Josephus

    My reply: This is a lie. Josephus asserted that the desolation lasted 50 the Apion states clearly.

  • PSacramento

    isaac is correct, Josephus made an error in his original calculations and then corrected himself in Antiquites I think...Not sure which book.

  • isaacaustin

    right, so an inaccurate statement to say Josephus agrees with the 607 date.

    I will try to locate the source.

  • isaacaustin

    Against Apion Book I, ch 21

  • PSacramento

    Yep, that's the one.

  • Alwayshere


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