Circuit Assembly This Past Weekend "Safeguard Your Spirituality" -Everyone Please Enter-

by tryingtoexit 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    omg, she friggin talks you into going, then proceeds to get mad at you when you didn't even want to go there to begin with. I mean really, if she's gonna be pissy with you no matter what you do you shoulda just stayed home to begin with...

    if you have a profile on a social network YOU ARE BAD ASSOCIATION.

    They actually said that??? You know how many JWs are on facebook? What was there logic for not being able to go on a social network?

  • babygirl30

    THAT is exactly what throws me off with the org...they are dead set AGAINST social networks! They make it seem like you are collectively and single-handedly RUINING your spirituality if you join. YET, not 1 JW I know (adult or young person) isn't on FB...and I don't understand the logic around it. Obviously - nothing besides the societies website and the cd are 'approved'.

  • cognac

    I know babygirl. Doesn't make sense. If they are against social websites, why are they all on fb? You think that's gonna be specifically banned soon?

  • BluesBrother
    Once again my wife is looking at me with the evil eye now, whispering: "the knowledge you have is from the table of the demons"

    Oh boy ! this could have been the wife and me........I still attend sometimes to help her out..but I get a lot of flak too. It is par for the course . I used to worry or let myself be hurt, but I try not to let it get to me now.

    Hang on in there mate...We all know what it is like. Happen she will see the need to treat you decently again, like when her car gets a flat again. After all we are useful for some things

  • Spook

    Great deal of "alienating people from their thoughts and emotions" this time around. First you alienate them from their friends, then from themselves.

    If you want to keep your wife, actively work on not allowing her to alienate herself from you and actively encourage her to rely on her own opinions and feelings. You can even use marital conflict to strengthen this. If she is not being submissive or kind, you can point out

    Even though you are not obeying your leaders by (being snotty, independant) I'd rather get your real feelings.

    If she is being "fake nice" you can thank her for it but ask her to tell you how she really feels.

    Don't let cult speak cover over other issues.

  • tryingtoexit

    OnTheWayOut- Yeah I can dig it, and I definitely could use those points, I'm gonna try to make us work first, but I know she'll use the "if your mate brings you down spiritually you have grounds for separation, but not divorce" lol, I can see that one coming from a mile away, but thanks alot, you always come through with good points.

    cognac- Yeah the D.O. and C.O. said that, their logic is the fact that you can portray yourself a certain way that you wouldnt if you were face to face is dangerous, and you're associating with the entire planet by letting them into your home through a social network. They even said "if you have your computer visible where others are around, you are still associating with those who dont share your beliefs through social networking" - I almost threw up! That's what I was thinking though, like why am I here, I came because our relationship means something to me, yet you still wanna act this way, trying to make me feel guilty so I could become the spiritual man that SHE/they want me to be!

    babygirl30- Exactly, I told my dad that this morning, and he said "some people take what the governing body says as law, all their doing is trying to give SUGGESTIONS on how to improve your spiritual life" You know after hearing/reading that quote we could go all day on that quote alone, so I'll pause for now, lol.

    BluesBrother- Thanks, and you right, lol, lol, lol, she'll want to talk to me when she gets in her moods, or her fav tv show is on, I know eventually she'll wanna talk, she's just trying to scare me into being a witness full blown, but not even she has the power to stop me, I'm gonna work on us for sure, but she's not gonna hold me back from my freedom, I can taste it...

  • Goshawk

    In regards to the statement about Social Networking; It all comes down to control. What would the WT$ be if they did not have control. Isolation is very important when maintaining control. The more isolated you can make a group the easier it is to maintain control (information, behavior, creative outlets and support).


    "Then they go into what characterizes a spiritual person, and the District Overseer says "Christendom thinks they're spiritual because they can speak in tongues, so what if I said I like cheese in italian, does that mean I'm spiritual just because I can speak another language?! No! It's non-sense" -"

    .....Everyone in the outside world speaks in tongues?..Idiot Boy,obviously does`nt get out much..

    "then he goes on with a spiritual man eats the spiritual food prepared with love by Jehovah and passed down to his faithful & discreet slave."

    .....Until the WBT$ gets New Light..Then what the WBT$ said before,does`nt matter now..

    "If we visit apostate websites, read thoughts outside of what the governing body says then we are eating at the table of demons. "Sure it's food" he says, "But it is rotten and will poison you"- Once again my wife is looking at me with the evil eye now, whispering: "the knowledge you have is from the table of the demons""

    .....Right..Come have dinner with Satan..

    "People stop texting so much, too many witnesses are ADDICTED to texting, people may say "it doesnt say we cant text in the bible, Jehovah doesnt tell you to not jump off a cliff in the bible, but you know why you shouldnt, you see the dangers"

    He says married people stop texting other married individuals that are not your mate, I wouldnt be texting your MOMMA! Stop texting others while you're out in field service, just wait until service is over to talk to them, if you have a profile on a social network YOU ARE BAD ASSOCIATION. (I have a myspace page for my music, I have a page on Facebook, as well as Twitter) - Once again my wife is looking at me crazy."

    ......Texting is Evil..Satan runs the internet..Bla-bla-bla.

    "Then he says parents cant even tell their kids why it's not a good idea because they ARE ADDICTED TO TEXTING TOO! Elders stop texting. I was kind of laughing because everyone got a verbal spanking, and this was right before lunch, so on Saturday you saw lots of people on their phones at lunch, not the case for Sunday's lunch. I turned my phone on soon as we were dismissed for lunch."

    ......Everyone becomes a Communications Idiot for a few hours..........Well done WBT$!!

    "D.O. and C.O. finish out all the talks of the afternoon session with eat healthy wholesome food from Jehovah God, stop eating junk food from the internet and apostates, it could lead to having "gang green spiritually".they say "when you have gang green, you loose limbs, it get's cut off, not because it's mean, but because it is wise to protect the rest of the body from infection, the same is true when someone eats apostate food, they need to be cut off from the congregation before they infect the rest of us"

    ......So..The main subject was the Evils of the Internet..

    It`s only going to get worse,for the Idiots that run the WBT$..



  • jamiebowers

    Right now your wife has no idea how loving it was for you to endure the torture of attending an assembly simply for her benefit. Hopefully, she will in time. In the meantime, the more you can appeal to her non-cult personality, the better! Help around the house while she's at the meetings and out on field service and other small romantic gestures like gifts, outings, etc will go a long way to prove to her that you still love her. Just remember that she's frightened out of her wits., because she's now married to a "worldly" man, and GASP, possibly an apostate!

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    I have not read anything other than the initial post on this thread, but here is my two cents:

    Your wife needs time to adapt to a change in circumstance.

    Action speaks louder than anything else we can offer. If you love your wife and want to maintain a good relationship, make your choice to be a good man and husband, and leave your wife to make her choices. If she loves you, she will adapt and accept your goodness and love you for it. If she does not love you, then you have done all you can and for the right reasons.

    Wishing all the best for you,

    Marvin Shilmer

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