Circuit Assembly This Past Weekend "Safeguard Your Spirituality" -Everyone Please Enter-

by tryingtoexit 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • finding my way
    finding my way


    uggh. I am so sorry to hear that. I know all to well what you are talking about. I know several people like that from when I lived in New York especially where people found it rather easy to live one life at night in the city and another at the meetings.

    My ex fiances sister's car stereo would go from "Move Bitch, got out the way" to Kingdom melodies if we were headed to an assembly or meeting. Yet when I was Df'd, I was of course ignored by her and I know full well she had a "worldy" boyfriend she was spending the night with. Come to think of it, I led a double life more than once in the "truf" and felt like a horrible person. I also went on a rollercoaster like your friend you're speaking of. Trying to do the "right" thing when I would hit rock bottom. I feel now like this was from being in such a high control group with ridiculous standards. Now that I'm free I think more clearly and my 2 lives have evened out and I make much better decisions. Hopefully your friend will come to that point as well and start making better choices and come to realize who her real friends are. It took me 3 years after being out to finally make the connection.... It may take awhile and then again, she may never come to that point. We can only hope for the bet.

    P.S. Sure enough, I checked after reading this question and a step sister of mine (not the one mentioned in my last post) has deleted her facebook account. I have 4 step sisters and only 2 of them had facebook accounts to begin with. This is the one that wants to "serve where the need is great" so she's probably trying to obey EVERYTHING. Her husband still has an account though.... curious. We will see how long he and my other sister keep their accounts.

    Much love,


  • tryingtoexit

    First of all I just wanna say much love to everybody who came by to share their thoughts and make me feel better, this means alot, it feels good to read your comments and know that I have support.

    jookbeard- Yeah those C.O.'s are something else, some think they are celebrities, I'm a very observant type of dude, I watch/listen first then speak, the C.O. last month told my elders that I carry myself "like I'm too cool" I'm like what? I'm laid back by nature, I always put things in perspective, I cant help it, it's my personality, he took as me trying to be extra cool or whatever.

    WuzLovesDubs- Wow. That's right, that's what they do, take your family away if you dont give up your freedom, the way you summed it up gave me chills, it hurts my heart to know I'm still connected to this cult.

    finding my way- Thanks for those words, yeah I don't wanna leave her, I'm just prepared for the worst, you know a wise man always has a plan. I plan on helping my wife out, but if she doesnt want to leave, I will support her, I want our marriage to work, but knowing the type of woman she is, and she already will do what her mother, brother, other relatives want over me, I know she can easily want me out of here and I'll be stuck with no home, cause I will not make a scene or want any drama in my life. I can peacefully make my exit if it calls for that, but I'm gonna give it my best to make it work first and foremost. The whole bad association thing is dumb, I've heard a 16 year old sister tell my wife a couple weeks ago, "Why would I have a Facebook page when the brothers say not too, those that have them arent obeying God" And I'm thinking....what sense does that make??? Those are the people that eat up everything that comes from the governing body and they carry themselves like they're better than everybody else, give long comments, and are too "obedient" to let a person who is slighty not as strong as they are associate with them. JW's are cyborgs to me, I'm convinced.

    rocketman- yeah good for you, I hope I can be in your shoes one day.

    minimus- LOL! That doesnt offend me at all, hey....even the elders at the hall have a nickname for me, they call me "Survivor", when I was regular at the meetings last year, they would always come up to me and say "He's a survivorrrrrrr!! How's it going man, you still alive?" They would joke because they knew what kind of personality my wife has, very opinionated, very strong minded, her presence intimidates people alone, but nonetheless I love her and I'm going to be good on my end, if we fail, it will be her fault, not mine.

    twinkle toes- Thanks, yeah I hate that, the whole assembly preached "Self-Examination, you can not examine your own heart if pride is in the way" I'm thinking how are you so concerned with me. When just 2 weeks ago, she got so drunk, she passed out on our living room floor and was covered in throw up, she threw up off and on for 2 hours! She turned aggressive, wouldnt let me pick her up, she punched me in the face a few times, then slept for like 10 hours and didnt remember any of it the next day. All she kept saying was "please dont call the brothers on me, I wont drink that much again". I'm thinking to myself at that assembly like "the nerve of you to be pointing the finger at me". Marriage is no joke, I'm doing my best though. And I know at my parents circuit assembly in 2007, they said myspace was a place no Witness should be, and that kids were getting caught by setting up parties through myspace and having sex, so when they mentioned "ALL SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES".....everybody knew they meant everything pretty much.

    babygirl- That double standard is crazy, my best friend was a baptised witness, but now he's a gay man and he's engaged to his boyfriend, and my mother will treat him like a son, because he stopped going to the meetings, he never got disfellowshipped, so she says as long as he's not DF'd, he's welcome in her home, but my aunt, her sister, she wont even talk to her on the phone about matters concerning my grandparents because she is DF'd. Sad to say even my family fits the bill of judgemental witnesses that can drive you crazy.

  • babygirl30

    What IS the big deal with social network sites??? I mean - EVERYONE is on them! Shoot - tons of JW's are updating their sites every freakin hour ON the hour, and every assembly part i remember, they were harpin on joing social sites. UGH!!!

  • Finally-Free

    Seems to me that the brothers™ said a lot and proved nothing, as usual. Anyone can stand on a stage and spew forth shit. That doesn't make it true.

    Regarding the social networking sites, that's expected. The watchtower condemns anything that they can't control. That's always been the case, whether it be music, the media, education, government, etc.


  • WuzLovesDubs

    As for the social networking sites...the society is just as afraid of those if not more so, as it is of the youth going away to college and having worldly friends...its all about going where THEY CAN BE EXPOSED AS FRAUDS like the scene in the Wizard of Oz where the curtain is rent and the REALITY of all that bluster and threats and smoke and fire and mirrors and bellowing is exposed.

    It aint nothing but a lot of nasty old farts in Brooklyn depending on the rest of the sheeple to live off. As long as you keep them threatened that they will lose their life long friends and families including parents and children...they will obey.

    Get free...stay free.

  • jah1914

    I knew it was just a matter of time before they tried to crack down on the social networking thing. Me and my wife was just saying it was getting way too popular among the JWs to last.

  • Finally-Free
    I knew it was just a matter of time before they tried to crack down on the social networking thing. Me and my wife was just saying it was getting way too popular among the JWs to last.

    Funny how these crackdowns come as no surprise to many. Personally I think the society wants JWs socially to be isolated, not only from "worldly" people but also from one another. Isolated people are easier to control.


  • tryingtoexit

    Yet they're not a cult right? lol

    All the evidence is right in front of their faces

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    I was just looking at some of the profiles of some witnesses on my facebook page. They are friends with people that they would normally not be allowed to have coffee with. Co-workers are wishing them happy birthday, one person gets a horoscope update daily, one is spending way too much time playing a ninja game, and most have pictures of themselves on there in various states of drunkeness and revelry.LOL !

    It's Bad,Bad Bad association

  • drobbins88

    I am going to pray about your situation. God has the best wisdom in this situation. According to Genesis, two become one flesh. If she divorces you she will be shunned by her Jehovah's Witness buddies for an unscriptural divorce. I would put it in Gods hands and pray, pray, pray. Seek the face of God.

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