Why don't JWs fear God or God's Wrath?

by Deputy Dog 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Yesterday (see http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/182849/1/Why-do-JWs-fear-Satan-and-demons-so-much ) we seemed to confirm that JWs fear Satan more than God. In fact, angel eyes (after she told us about her encounter with a man who had been "dabbling in black magic and witch craft",) made this comment:

    oh and i dont fear Jah....why on earth would i fear my loving father?

    Now to be fair to angel eyes, she says she doesn't fear Satan.

    However she does attribute power to him, and type of fear of him, in the encounter she described, and in these statements:

    I fortunately dont fear satan or he demons, but im aware of his tricks and i never underestimate his power.
    ...believe me satan will show you he exists, dont temp him.

    As she claims to be an active JW I value her opinion on this, However in all her post on the thread yesterday she didn't answer the main question.

    " What is the worst thing Satan could do to a JW?"

    What I'd like to ask today is, why don't JWs fear God or God's Wrath? It seems to me that in the WT's effort to do away with the idea of hell, they have in effect made light of God's Wrath. Why do they think God will not punish them for their "everyday sins"?

  • nicolaou

    Why do they think God will not punish them for their "everyday sins"?

    I could ask you why you think he will.

  • isaacaustin

    I think you are on the money there Deputy. They do not fear hell...I guess somewhere in their minds they fear Divine execution...it seems they fear more the disapproval of the organization, as to them that is God and the fear there is very imminent.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Don't JWs believe the bible?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    ...I guess somewhere in their minds they fear Divine execution

    Actually I don't think they really fear that. They see that most people in the Org put on this "brave" face and figure if so and so is safe then I'm OK. You know the old "pack mentality".

  • isaacaustin

    then it really is just the equation of org= Jehovah, disapproval of org= disapproval of God, JWs see this as now, imminent....that is the irrational fear

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Maybe more like, If the Org doesn't find out, God won't care.

  • isaacaustin

    yeah, the whole dfing process teaches JWs to simply be better at not getting caught.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    My guess is Satan is a uncontrollable force, so he is feared, where the Org controls God's Wrath, so they don't need to fear it.

  • Caedes


    Maybe it's because (and I cant believe I going to write this, the idea of there being a god more evil than the JW one) the god they worship is less evil than the one you worship?

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