Why don't JWs fear God or God's Wrath?

by Deputy Dog 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    WLD. Tractors plowing fields.

    We had a lot in common with the Unitarians and the SDA. It was a journey.

  • PSacramento

    Satan has his role to play, the role assigend to him by God.

    Satan choose his path as our adversary as an advocate for all the we have that is "bad".

    He has the power we give him, no more, no less.

  • WTWizard

    God is going to find some flimsy pretext to make my life miserable no matter what I do--as far as I can see, He has already played His top cards in His deck, and would do no further damage by destroying me or consigning me to Hell.

    On the other hand, I do not fear Satan or the demons because God slandered them, making it look like they were seeking my demise and/or blaming them for the trouble He Himself set up in my life. The truth is, Satan wanted to help mankind rise above God, and the demons only wanted some freedom from everything they did being what that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag Jehovah told them to.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    no dont fear death either, constant sleep without pain or suffering, thats too nice to fear :)

    Satan has power of course, he was created by Jehovah, he was an angel,now a demon and still has his power but no that doesnt show i fear him.

  • isaacaustin

    AE: What makes you so sure death is constant sleep without pain or suffering? Scriptural answer please.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    ec 9v5 dead are conscious of nothing. (shows we arent in pain)

    john 11v11, shows in a sleep like state.

    just a few there.

  • isaacaustin

    AE: Are you aware that Eccl is Solomon giving the opinion of a godless man? COntinue reading Eccl 9 and you will see that, and JWs do not even beleive

    Indeed, for any among the living there is hope; a live dog is better off than a dead lion.
    For the living know that they are to die, but the dead no longer know anything. There is no further recompense for them, because all memory of them is lost.
    For them, love and hatred and rivalry have long since perished. They will never again have part in anything that is done under the sun.
    Go, eat your bread with joy and drink your wine with a merry heart, because it is now that God favors your works.
    At all times let your garments be white, and spare not the perfume for your head.
    Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of the fleeting life that is granted you under the sun. This is your lot in life, for the toil of your labors under the sun.

    JWs do not beleive verse 4- that there is no hope for the dead, verse 6 that they will never have part in anything under the sun...etc...

    What do you think death truly is? Biblically, Jesus says not fear fear him who kills the body but can not DESTROY the soul. What is destruction???

    2 Thes 1:

    This is evidence of the just judgment of God, so that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God for which you are suffering.
    For it is surely just on God's part to repay with afflictions those who are afflicting you,
    and to grant rest along with us to you who are undergoing afflictions, at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his mighty angels,
    in blazing fire, inflicting punishment on those who do not acknowledge God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
    These will pay the penalty of eternal ruin, separated from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power,

    Verses 8 and 9 make it plain.

    The verse you quotes in John speaks of Lazarus resurrection...likened to sleep as Jesus could easily bring him back.

    Luke 16 also speaks of another Lazarus and a rich man. They were certainly not asleep when dead.

    ANy other Scriptural basis for your stance?

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    In a sleep like state. We return to dust when we die. We do not go to heaven for death is punishment for sin which we ALL inhereit. We do not go to hell as some may think of hell, for the original menaing of hell is common grave. We return to dust. Thats just fine by me :) and thats why i do not fear death .

  • isaacaustin

    Sleep state- refers to the body. The body returns to dust. We (whole- body soul and spirit) do not go to Heaven. Heaven, and Hell, are not final destinations- earth (with New Jerusalem descended) and Gehenna are final destinations. The WT has misunderstood the terms of Hell and Gehenna, not that the KJV helped by translating all three Greek terms as 'hell'

    I would be interested in your answer in light of 2 Thes 1 which states that destruction if from the presence of God. None of the verses I quoted indicate a sleep. Of course, we need not fear death- Romans 8:1 says there is no condemnation fro those in Christ.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    The soul that is sinning it itself will die. This shows that an immortal soul doesnt exisit either. We remain in Jahs memory until we are resurrected. Exciting.

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