Please Describe Your Autumn

by compound complex 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Welcome Fall!

    Please describe autumn in your community. Its look. Its feel. The mood it puts you in.

    Literal. Figurative.

    It's up to you.

    Many thanks.


  • DJK

    The cold temps have ushered in a collage of color, red, orange and yellow. Quite a change from the green that has for a long time reached it's peak for boring.

  • snowbird

    Fall is always a latecomer to my corner of Alabama, but when it does arrive, it comes in with all colors a-blaze.

    Brown, reds, yellows, russets, and burgundys vie with each other for places of honor in forest and field.

    The mornings are crisp, the afternoons warm with a hint of summer past. Fall insects - great big, beautiful butterflies and long-legged, big-eyed grasshoppers put on a showy display before their demise.

    Parents dole out precious funds for school festivals, jack-o-lanterns, and football uniforms. Children trip lightly to school bus stops, glad to be relieved of the wilting heat. On weekends, the smell of burning leaves mingle with the aroma of outdoor grilling. People are amenable to stopping for a chat instead of rushing inside to air conditioning.

    I love Fall!


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    We don't really have an autumn anymore. It goes straight from Summer to winter. It was in the 70's a week ago, now it's in the 30's.

  • snowbird
  • Heartbreaker

    Three weeks ago it was warm in the sun, cool in the shade, slightly windy, we were looking forward to fall, with the early dusk evenings, fires in the fireplace, but still being able to take a walk outside without needing to be bundled up, and the bright colors of the trees. Two weeks ago it was so rainy that we couldn't really be outside and enjoy the temperature, or the colors. This week it's been in the 40s, dreary, damp, with a few days of bright blue skies, but very chilly (to me) temps, although the trees are brilliant colors of bright green, yellow, orange, red, brown and dark purples. Maybe I'm delusional, but it seemed we had more of a fall, and more of a spring when I was a child. I heard we may get a snow next week. I live in KANSAS. This really sucks for a person that is 1)debating Halloween 2) never really paid attention to temperatures here and costume choices. I have NO idea what to buy, but I'm thinking all the fairy dresses are going to be way too cold!!

  • snowbird

    Maybe I'm delusional, but it seemed we had more of a fall, and more of a spring when I was a child.

    I feel the same way.

    Food even tasted better then!


  • deep-blue-sea

    Well Automn is suddenly here. Few rainy days and now sunshine with cold temperatures and cold wind from the north, near freezing point, early in the morning. The woods are showing the most beautiful palette of red, yellow braun.

    I’ve been around in the countryside near home, picking walnuts. I have also been searching mushrooms but no chance, woods are too dry because of too little rain, I will retry next week, I love mushrooms! I could also collect pears which have fallen on the road.

    I feel an athmosphere of calm down, relax, to retire peacefully.

    This morning we took out of the garden summer chairs, tables, lots of green plants which could suffer because of low temperatures, everything is inside for now till April.

    In the morning at around 7, 7.30 it is still dark, now at 7pm is already the sunset.

    On the 26 th of this month we will have to move back of an hour our clocks so that at 7am will be clear and the dark will fall at already 6pm., though in November December at 5pm will already be dark… sad!

    I love summer, the heat, the open air life, the light..I will have to keep quite during some months.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, dear friends, for your comments. Very enjoyable, even though some of you don't have a real fall.

    I am set to walk to work through my beautiful autumnal 'hood. There's only a bit of rain now after last night's howler; the colors stand out all the more brilliantly against a slate sky.

    Can't wait to read more later!



  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The cold has arrived and all the pioneers are rejoicing that they can do their service from the inside of a car they don't have to get out of. Mornings will be filled with drive-by return visits eliciting words such as "I don't think they're home, I don't see the car. Let's go to another I have in my call book." The little witness children are tucked into their minature overcoats with nice clip-on ties half attached. How they love to stomp their feet in the puddles of the recent storm as they are pulled by the arm to the doors of cold and uninterested neighbors. Isn't autumn in California during an unexpected torrential downpour eventful? Praise those whose faith moves them to do as the mailman, no storm shall keep them from thier appointed rounds! W.Once

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