at the moment, autumn here seems to be filling the air with its dying breath in a final burst of fragrance. There is a strong earthy smell of damp leaves mixed with woody essences.
Please Describe Your Autumn
by compound complex 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
when i think of alabama i just go all gooey inside
Hmmm when I think of Alabama ...........................oh never mind.
LOL at Bek!
You got the Devil in you, girl!
It's been nice , my 7 year old is doing great in school, and watching my 19 month old baby daughter bloom has been such a blessing, we've had a very mild Indian Summer, early Autumn some of the days late in October have been lovely, although the last few days have been getting a bit crisper, no need for a big coat or gloves and scarf yet. Work has been ticking along fine with business slightly better then this time last year. We are hoping to move perhaps in about March next year, as our new addition to our little family comes in January, haven't been concentrating on my fitness as I'd like to , I need to loose 4 inches off my belly, but TBH life has been great .
there are soggy leaves covering my entire lawn. it will take months to fully get rid of them all.
If you really are a "creativhoney" you would invite one of those hulking internet matches over to rake up leaves. Then send him home after a tuna sandwich and a cuppa. Tell him you could never respect such a chump!
compound complex
The plump, gray-green hillsides of late fall are dotted with the burnished gold foliage of the ubiquitous oak. It is as though overnight they have made their official statement of having arrived, one that is elegantly restrained but, nevertheless, requiring an answer.
I am choosing, in respectful humility, my words ...
There is no such thing as autumn anymore. It goes from hot summer one day to damp and chilly the next. Then *poof* right into winter. No global "warming" available.
A friend told me that the weatherman said we are in for a rainy winter this year. To expect cold and wet all through the season. So far, it's been true.
I used to enjoy autumn; the crisp feeling in the air that makes brisk walks fun.
I am often feeling sad now to see the winter coming on. There are more homeless people than ever before. The decree has gone out by TPTB that they are only allowed to have what they can carry on their backs. "The city" says they are like pigeons and are "making a mess." One woman cried that they took all of her blankets.
I see them sitting on the cold concrete at the near deserted shopping centers. I worry they will have more health problems from this exposure and a continued lifestyle of this.
Busy shopping centers call the cops on them. They don't like homeless hanging around because they say it "hurts their business." I don't why . They are not scary to me. Maybe the businesses are afraid that people will give the bums a few dollars that could have been spent in their stores. I don't know.
Anyway, the police ticket the homeless with trespass warnings. I have heard of one who came back a few days later, anyway. Then, she was taken to jail for trespassing. You may think well at least they are out of the cold and get a free meal or two. Think again. After arrest and being turned back out, they must now PAY a parole officer each month. It is extortion and a burden on those who can least afford such a thing. They have no home, no money to eat, and now they must pay the state monthly to have any freedom or they will be picked up again and taken to jail. Even freedom has a price tag.
Autumn leads quickly to winter. I know homeless people who sleep on the ground or in torn tents that leak. There is not enough shelters to house them all. Society has forced them to hide in the woods because no one wants to have their good times spoiled by having to acknowledge the misery in their midsts. In surburban areas there are often no soup kitchens or shelters.
When flu comes around I wonder how many will die. Is it just a matter of time before they are picked up like plague rats and destroyed as carriers? Or is it just my over active imagination to think such things? Will TPTB declare them to be a health hazard to the rest of society and justify their sudden disappearance?
I keep a box of things on hand in my car. I buy socks for them at the thrift store. I have a big bag of pecans and I always pick a few oranges when I am headed out somewhere. I know I will encounter some homeless in my travels. It's not much, and what little I can do will not solve the world's problems.
I am not afraid of them. They are not all drunks and drug addicts like people make them out to be. But what the hell? If I had to live like that I would probably need strong drink to numb the cold and wet.
I don't pry; I only ask how they are and if they are able to keep warm and get rest. Sometimes people throw eggs and bottles at them when they are trying to sleep.
Autumn is harsh this year.
Autumn here on the south coast of California is marked by roaring Pacific waves crashing in the night, cool breezes toward morning, and yes, autumn leaves in abundance. This evening was nippy - a good time for a fire and an oven pot roast, with bay leaves, onions and red wine. Instead of throwing veges in with the meat, I roasted them separately: sliced carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, green beans - all tossed with butter and olive oil and fresh garlic, salt and pepper, just til tender but holding their color. So good!
Otherwise, autumn has not been cold enough - I was lounging around the pool only ten days ago - very warm weather. This is my favorite time of year - new beginnings.
compound complex
Thank you, Cameo and BB, for your entries ...
Such a contrast in how a season might descend upon us.
So sorry to hear of the plight of the homeless; your caring will win hearts and feed aching bellies.
Blessings and peace,