Among the Most Destructive of JW Core Ideas!

by AK - Jeff 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    'Waiting for the REAL LIFE'

    They exploit the biblical text to mean in essence that Jw's 'put off' normal human life until the New World.

    I never thought of the damage that does until I began to review my life history. I have discovered that I am 35 years behind. People I knew as teenagers are now 55. Kids of people I went to school with are now 35 or 40. I recently located a person who was 7 years old at the time that his mom took them out of the Watchtower. I still had a picture in my mind of a bright little boy with straight dark hair and a cute giggle. That picture hails from the many hours we spent together as his mom and I pioneered together. I sent him a note [on FB] when I came across him, and he told me he is now 42! I about dropped my jaw!

    I began to think of all the normal relationships that I missed during that time, all the normal activities that I never pursued. It is almost enough to make you cry. Hobbies never developed. Music never heard or explored. Books never read. Education never pursued.

    My life as a Jw was a good life mostly, to be honest. But putting all my eggs in one basket has done a lot of damage. I am not here discussing the things that Jw's [and many other religious groups] consider 'sinful'. I am not talking about missing out on fornication, drug-use, stealing from my employer, bar-hopping, etc. I am talking about NORMAL LIFE.

    Since I left at around age 50 I have done a few of those things I missed, and in some ways they are even sweeter due to having never done them, and those around me consider it 'old hat'. My first birthday at 50 - my first band competition attendance - my first association with people with diverse 'lifestyles' [some of whom I now consider like family]. I think of people who have spent decades building up a hobby, interest, or actively participating in some positive activities that benefit the community or the world at large. I can still 'take up' some of that, and I will or already have, but my history is just beginning in areas that could/should have been decades in length by this point.

    I am not crying in my beer, not overly sad, but it just makes me wonder what might have been.

    One thing about it though: If I had lived a 'normal' life to this point, I would never have known a soul on this board - and that would have been a serious miss.



  • OnTheWayOut

    George Bush Sr. still jumps out of an airplane on his birthday, so you aren't too old to start doing that.

    I traced back in my life to a point where I had a major fork in the road. On the one side, I probably would have become a nerdy rich businessman or a rocket scientist. On the other side, I wound up as a screwed up XJW. Instead of getting upset over it, I try to think of what blessings I have received on this road. Despite her JWness, I truly love my wife and we are a good team. I might have been on my second trophy wife as a rocket scientist with alimony up the wazoo. Besides, I could still get the education if I wanted to.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Great post, Jeff.

    When I think of some of my JW acquaintances, I feel so sorry for them. I think of otherwise intelligent people who barely scrape by financially because they've "bought out the time" to spend 70 hours a month riding around in a car knocking on not-at-homes.

    Or how about the single sister, now in her mid-40s, who made all the "right" decisions? She turned down the scholarships and pioneered right out of high school. She didn't pursue courtship because she wanted to "put kingdom interests first" and why get married now, when she could wait a few years and get a perfect man in the new system? Now, decades have passed and all she has to show for it is a four-door car, a one-bedroom apartment, a few cleaning jobs, and 25 years of full-time service.

    And what about the old-timers, like the 75-year-old brother with his polyester slacks and London Fog raincoat who is out there on the corner doing street work in the mornings--just like he's been doing for years. He was raised "in the Truth" by parents who were taken in during the Rutherford years. He thought he would never graduate high school--much less get married, much less have children, much less have grandchildren, much less bury his wife, much less die--in this system. Think of all the hours he's wasted slaving for the Corporation. What does he have to show for it? Decades of disappointments and broken promises.

  • designs

    They never quite grasped venial sins and mortal sins,everything was placed on one plane. To convince someone they should die rather than take a blood transfusion, when it is a forgiveable sin (as applied in their scheme), showed an uneducated theology.

  • JWoods

    I say the fear and loathing of EDUCATION.

    Many of the others would fall with an educated witness rank & file, and obviously they know that.

  • snowbird
    I say the fear and loathing of EDUCATION.

    I agree.


  • PSacramento

    You know, some of the stuff is pretty obvious, like the blood issue, but it cna be argued that its the other stuff, like the lack of educatiuon and postponing having a life, that will effect the vast majority of JW's.

    Some get married to early, far more early than they should, some in the vain hope of an end to "this system of things" never enjoy the ONE life that God has given them.


  • JWoods

    In reflection of what PSacremento just wrote, maybe we should consider the Paradise Earth as the most destructive idea.

    It is, in fact, the cruel JW Santa Claus. Be good, or you won't get a present.

    Worldly kids actually get a present, usually, good or bad. And they are free to figure out there isn't really a Santa Claus by about 6 or 7.

    JW kids and adults alike are told to keep believing in JW Santa for life. Each year, they are told the presents will come next year, and to keep being good (do what WT says at the moment) or you will be turned into a lump of coal instead of getting one in your stocking.

  • lancelink

    Or how about the single sister, now in her mid-40s, who made all the "right" decisions? She turned down the scholarships and pioneered right out of high school. She didn't pursue courtship because she wanted to "put kingdom interests first" and why get married now, when she could wait a few years and get a perfect man in the new system? Now, decades have passed and all she has to show for it is a four-door car, a one-bedroom apartment, a few cleaning jobs, and 25 years of full-time service.

    This fits several ladies who I know in the JW religion to a T !!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    maybe we should consider the Paradise Earth as the most destructive idea.

    Yep - That is the reward for the 'Real life' dogma. But not the entire thing. Some things that could be experienced only in this system are ignored and passed up, not with the idea of having that experience later in the Paradise, but with the idea that the real life will surpass all that.

    Kind of the same idea - a different facet IMO.


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