It can be difficult to think what our lives might have been if not JWs.
I became a JW in 1971 aged 20, left when I DA'd in 2001 , 30 years later.
For most of that time my life was "controlled" in the sense I knew what I was doing practically every day, meetings, service, study.
Then I suddenly found myself at the age of 50 , in the "world"
Yes I had a job, but that in a sense was routine that I could cope with.
It was the "outside" I had difficulty with dealing with those "evil worldly" people.
I have some family members who followed me out, so have not been completely alone.
But there is still that bit of me that has trouble "socialising" with people. I have no problems going out , say for a drink or whatever.
But I still have trouble holding conversations with people.
Yet I have given talks at churches and seminars on the JWs, a 45 minute interview for local radio, a brief TV appearance with maybe couple more in pipeline to give my testimony on.
Yet somehow I still feel apart from the "world"
Anyone know what I'm trying to say.