For those who are hung up on the earth having the Roastadora BBQ of all time there is the old Paradise Lost Book with the fiery Armageddon.
by slimboyfat 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
For those who are hung up on the earth having the Roastadora BBQ of all time there is the old Paradise Lost Book with the fiery Armageddon.
I cannot decide if Slimboyfat really means what he says or if it is all brilliant satire when he posts !
This mornings W.T was full of the normal revisionist half-truths, selective treatment of Miltons and Newtons beliefs, Cult speak , mind-control , and the usual rubbish that is fed to the brainless as "spiritual food "
How anybody who has been informed by this,and similar sites, can sit through such tripe and not see it for what it is beggars belief.
Come on Slimboy, tell us that you are joking ?
There were so many gaps about witless doctrines - they sang a great song about the talk "Millions Now Living" but omitted all the ridiculous claims it made about 1925 - nor did they point out that most of the millions then living are now DEAD.
They also deliberately implied by OMISSION that Russell taught 1914 as the beginning of the time of the end.
He taught 1799, and that the great tribulation would be OVER by 1914. Anybody who knows the litterature of the time who read this study would be fully aware of these omissions and WHY they were made - so the gofors would not realise how the Wtichtower Babble and Trash society has been talking crap for 140 years.
They also implied that Newton was some kind of primitive "Uber - christian" he was an occultist, and some occult teachings actually influenced his science (forces acting on objects at a distance ie spells)
They certainly picked their own plums from Milton. Anyone reading the two works mentioned would not get the ideas of JWs. The poems have been available for centuries, yet nobody agrees with their ideas.
It was also unfair to ST Augustine. He was trying to work out why - since Jesus said he would return in the lifetime of his disciples, why the millennial reign had not come. That is why he decided it had to be symbolic, not because he didn't want to be a JW.
They quote a historian of science and technology Stephen Snobelen. Who talks of "pre apostate"christianity. What credible historian passes judgment of this kind on the ideas he is recounting?
It is like calling William the Conqueror bad and King Harold good. Historians recount facts and interpret them, they do not say the religious ideas of one side or another in the account are true or false (he is a very religious man and his own views are allowed to pollute what should be an UNBIASED account.)
They also implied how loving it was that Jehovah showed by 1934 that those hoping to live on earth should now be baptised. EXCUSE me - the apostles taught that everybody who puts faith in Christ should be baptised. (as shown in John 6 everybody having this faith should also eat his flesh and drink his blood symbolically)
And lastly, they failed in the study to account for the fact that not a single writer of the NT points out that those who hope to live on earth forever should not partake of the emblems. Can any body who thought this article balanced explain this please.
It only seems a balanced study because it deliberately skirted around the real issues, and allowed the congo to sit there without having to think (yet again)
It was about how Jehovah's Witnesses have always taught the paradise earth for most of obedient mankind.
I thought the JWs of Russell's time felt that the "other sheep" were a secondary heavenly class that were not as faithful. How did he point forward to humans living on a paradise earth?
Also, I KNOW I've read some of his writings that he preached that the war of Armageddon would be OVER by 1914. Bet they didn't mention that....
Quandry the earthly class are the resurrected Jews who will live in Israel, in line with Romans 11, those who die without faith in Christ, and those of mankind at the time of trouble who realise that Jesus is Christ and Jehovah is God.
They have only accepted this because the end of the world makes them. They are not living evil lives and so are beaten with few strokes. Because they were not baptised they are not eligible to partake of either heavenly calling.
Thanks hamsterbait! Looks like this was not the explanation of the WT lesson slimboyfat went to!!
Hi ..............folks..........................i'm not fear...........for the end is nearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!...........for those already here,i'm the new kid on the block.........the .........(witchtowerwitch)..........hehehe!......................I'm an expert on jw ask away about any subject ok?And i will tell all..............................First,i did not go to the meeting today,as it's been 15 years now that i have cleaned all of the shit out of my ears,to stop the brain diseases i once had.................Anyone with 1/2 of a brain,should laugh themselves to death over the silly rediculous,lies beig taught in there!The whole jw cult is as the Emporer wearing his new clothes,,,,,hehehe!....................I almost cry a river of tears,just thinking about all of those poor people in the kingdom halls all around the planet,being betrayed,and used as paper boys and girls,to make billions for the elite in HQ NY.One question??????????????????????????????Matt.25 says.........that Jesus waites until the great over before he sits down on his throne to choose the chosen ones,as he travels accross the heavens to find them,and to separate the sheep from the goats.So if Jesus has not done this yet,then who are these losers???????????......................self appointed yukes?????????????????????................hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???????????????????????????
'I'm an expert on jw ask away about any subject ok?'
Ok, what was freddie's favorite color?
I agree with Hammy B. I found the study rather embarassing and didn't comment.
They rewrote and revised the history of the beliefs of "the organization". When I actually read Studies in the Scriptures, it became quite clear that what CT Russell believed was very different than what Watchtower Craporation says that he believed.
As for Newton, he was a brilliant scientist, but not so good a theologian. I did a face-palm when someone commented that Newton believed the same as we do and would be a JW today. Um, he denied the existance of Satan and the demons. And his occult studies included many non-JW activities. Newton was particularly influenced by the Rosicrucians and their ability to communicate with spirits, produce gold with The Philosopher's Stone, and...
...they believed they could LIVE FOREVER... using elixir vitae! A magic potion!
Just as Chuck Rustle was gaga over pyramidology using pyramid-inches to determine historic chronology. Newton was nuts over measurements of every other historic structure. He wrote extensively about the temple measurements and their sacred geometry detailing the history of the Jewish nation.
He said the world would not end before AD 2060... take that Watchtower, you are off big time according to Newton. At that, he seems to have only spoken of a new world to replace the old one, not so much billions dying in the big A cataclysm as dubs are forced to believe.
Milton was a politician and poet, not so much a Bible scholar. His religious views were anti-trinity and mortality of the soul. Other than that, I haven't found much to go on, certainly nothing about him believing the JW promise of living forever on a paradise earth. His Paradise Regained only dealt with Jesus resisting temptation, not about his ransom sacrifice. I don't think he mentioned anything about billions of non-JWs being destroyed in the 21st century and surviving kids all getting pet tigers... unless I missed something in his work.
This was the third in a series of Botchtower studies "proving" the paradise earth belief. I think last week summed it up when they basically said, "since the Bible doesn't say anything about there NOT being a paradise earth where a "great crowd of other JW sheeples" will live forever in perfection, they must have believed the same way that the Governing Badly of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc. believe today!" If that explanation is to be accepted, "since the Bible doesn't say anything about masturbation or smoking NOT being okay with God, then the GB should believe that it's the right thing for sheeples to do today!" Wouldn't they be equal assumptions on the "not explained so must be right" viewpoint? If the Bible doesn't say it's NOT going to happen, wouldn't the paradise earth include masturbation and smoking?
I meant balanced by JW standards - not balanced in the normally expected standard