True. At least the subject of oral sex prohibition wasn't tied in. Perhaps in an upcoming lesson they will have some insight on Newton's views of that matter.
by slimboyfat 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
True. At least the subject of oral sex prohibition wasn't tied in. Perhaps in an upcoming lesson they will have some insight on Newton's views of that matter.
Sense they started having study WTs there has not been enough copies to go around, and got tired of setting there and not being able to get envolved in the study so I have not been going lately.
That is the best I can do, so that is all I do, and I am not going to ask someone for anything after there has been lyes told about me especially by the one that has been telling the lyes, that happens to be the one in charge to hand out WTs
I think that todays watchtower study was very inspiring.New light on when end will come,will be in 2034.GREAT ..................Thank you GB for the extra 25 more years of sinfull pleasures,that i now can enjoy.And what would they be?Drinking alcohol excessively to the point of tiolet facing,and becomming a pornographic xxxx film star,and turning my gender to a gxxl and back,so i am in my spiritual paradise right now.Heheheheheheh!..................................!Just when you think that the fun at the amusement park ride is over,you win a 30 year seasons pass of pleasures,nice work jws.......................i love you all so much,especially HQsGB!
I got a little hung up when we got to the part about millions now living never dying. That was said when...? and where are those millions now?
Is that what they call cognitive dissonance?
Para 7 "theologians twisted the Scriptures to make texts that describe the heavenly hope"
Note some of their (wbts) references go back over 1500 years.Look how the wbts twists Scriptures just less than 15 years ago they said that the Generation that saw 1914 would not pass away before the end would come.Less than 10 years they said the end would come some because the gb/fds is getting old and some would be on hand before the end.Just to name a few twisted ideas from the wbts.
I must add, I do not know by what name this religion is called because of the many names and corporation associated with it.
hm, I thought it was generally ok, if all articles were about subjects like that, and not about selfpraising GB, or Pharisaic rules, I would have much less problems with the WTS, but thats another story,
anyway, I mentioned during the study to my wife about the "millions living will never die", that they are all dead now...she nodded, and surely started thinking...I have to use opportunities like that to break through the mind-control...
I wonder how long Isaac Newton would stay a witless in good standing today. Remember, he had a "problem" with independent thinking, often going against the Establishment. And he found a great many things about the universe in doing so.
I could just see Newton in the Kingdumb Hell trying to give a comment that is closer to what the Bible actually says. He would earn himself an all-expense paid vacation--to the back room.
They just keep laying foundation. Nothing new. If you can convince the robots in the seats that the line of reasoning they believe today has been espoused by great thinkers of the past, well then Jehoober must have waved his wand of approval on the Watchtower, huh?
Hitler used similar approaches in some ways as he formed a 'Reich of 1000 years'. Reach back in time and show how you are 'fulfilling' things.
Problem is, in order to get there in both cases required the death of all who did not accept it as the only way.
Balanced? No friggin' way what they do to prove themselves 'inspired and selected' by God is 'balanced'. My Bullshit meter is pegging!
"It mentioned how early Christian leaders such as Origen and Augustine
introduced Neo-platonic thought into early Christianity and allowed ideas about
an immortal soul to crowd out what the Bible says about the earth."
Premillennial beliefs were common in the 1st several centuries but Martyr
wrote that "many who belong to the pure and pious faith, and are true Chris-
tians, think otherwise."
JWs leaders are Millenarian.
The JWs leaders aren't reliable regarding neo-Platonism. Greek philosophy
believed the physical world was evil so would have a problem with the mainstream
Christian idea of the Logos becoming flesh, for example, which was a Platonic
belief Christians didn't accept.
Ironically, Arius appeared centuries after the apostolic age and may have been
influenced by, or at least jibed with, contemporary neo-Platonism thought that
God couldn't appear on our level of existence.
I wonder who edited the next article on Paradise. Notice the JWs leaders'
phrase "On the torture stake" in the section for Christianity.
"It even mentioned John Milton and Isaac Newton as early supporters of the
Witnesses' idea about God's plan for restoring the earth to a paradise."
About a Paradise, yes--if meant regarding the particular things the JWs
leaders use to define their specific view, even require agreement with for sal-
vation, no.
Newton did play with dates, though. For example, he wrote that the end of the
world wouldn't happen before 2060.
So what makes it a GOOD study?
The article focused on a belief that most of us now believe to be a false hope, ie that we will live forever on Earth...They fudged over their own past to give an impression that they have consistently taught the same message, when they have not done so..
By telling us that their core belief is one that they brought with them from Adventism, does it strengthen or weaken their claim to have been selected by God to receive "flashes of light" and insight into the Scriptures?