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The Secret to Not Hating Your Job...
by daniel-p 33 Replies latest jw friends
I'm seriously here... I hate my job so much I feel like sobbing. Im in my office, in front of the most demoralizing and worthless work in the world, have zero human interaction... by co-worker on the other side of the office always closes the door between us whenever I sniff. I guess sniffing is just really bad manners or something. Plus, the FUCKING JACKHAMMER out on the street outside does NOT stop. It's been going for months, literally. Every day!!!
The company I work for is on the ropes... and its only a mtter of time before I'm given the boot. Some days I just wish they'd get it over with so I can go home, collect unemployment, and be forced to go get another job.
...cab driver maybe?
You should look into finding another job. www.indeed.com. Hating everything for 8 hours out of the day spills into other aspects of your life.
Well, bless your heart.
Have you tried volunteering at a homeless shelter?
angel eyes
im fortunate, I work from home some days and even sometimes for the whole week, but even when im at the office i dont mind, everyone there is great. It sucks when your in a job you hate....hope you find something new though.
taking many breaks.
have zero human interaction...
Some days I wish I could say that. I'm in IT, a network administrator. I have end users phoning me because they say the help desk is too stupid to help them. Then they proceed to ask me how to scan a document by holding it up to the monitor. And no, I'm not exagerating. I can't be. I work for the guvverment. Some days I want to go outside and step in front of a bus.
Here's an article from US News and World Report, How to Survive When You Hate Your Job:
You've probably already read it, but, it might help.
Also, here is another article:
If nothing else, they will give you something to read and think about for a few minutes.
Sorry for your situation. There are a lot of canned answers. Without knowing more of your situation, other than you hate it, it is hard to give advice.
Judge Dread
If you hate your job, then you will welcome the boot when it comes.
Judge Dread