The Secret to Not Hating Your Job...

by daniel-p 33 Replies latest jw friends


    Kill your Boss..


  • daniel-p

    Sylvia... I've been thinking more about vollunteering somewhere, but haven't made the plunge. I've been in contact with the county's obesity prevention program for kids, but they want me to do policy stuff from my desk instead of real-world stuff that would actually make a difference. We'll see.

    FF... let me know when you're gonna jump in front of that bus...

    VIII, thanks for the links, I'll check them out.

    JD: Some days I wish the boot would come... some days I feel like just up and walking out... but that would be imprudent...

    Outlaw: my boss isn't even around here anymore! He's already moved on to better things and left the company to run itself....

  • snowbird


    Some days are worse than others; hang in there, Bro.



    Then Kill the Jack Hammer Guy..

    You need to do something..

    To Cheer Yourself up!..

    ................. ...OUTLAW

  • MisfitMeL

    Try looking for another job? Maybe good ones are hard to come by in the current economic climate, but have you looked around just in case?

    Just keeping an eye out might give you a boost as it keeps you hopeful that you might come across something better.

    It might not be possible to improve the job role itself, but like others mentioned, volunteering is a good idea. Especially if you are contemplating a career change into something more meaningful, volunteering in such a role first gives you an idea of what is actually involved in the role before throwing in your old one.. not to mention the satisfaction. And volunteering jobs make for great experience on your resume which would improve your job prospects once again.

    Otherwise, try to retrain yourself in a different field, or take up a new hobby etc. Many subjects can be learned online so you don't have to spend a fortune buying new books etc. I guess it all boils down to - what would you rather be doing instead of your job? and then find the means and opportunities to pursue such a goal to make it into a new career Good luck!!

  • trueblue
  • purplesofa

    I pretend like I am having an out of body expericance

    My body is here at work, but I am not,

    it's someone else.

    So I am not really experiancing being here at all.

    Working for me so far.


  • trueblue
  • BurnTheShips
    I hate my job so much I feel like sobbing. Im in my office, in front of the most demoralizing and worthless work in the world, have zero human interaction... by co-worker on the other side of the office always closes the door between us whenever I sniff. I guess sniffing is just really bad manners or something. Plus, the FUCKING JACKHAMMER out on the street outside does NOT stop. It's been going for months, literally. Every day!!!

    Dude, I commiserate. The guy that sits next to me right now is barely human. I've never worked around someone like this. And the work is the worst sort of mindless tedium. The clock winds slow. Thank God I am only here 3 days a week. If I didn't have some other plans that I am working on. I'd lose it. As it is, I have been here 2 long months more than I had planned.

    Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.


  • shamus100

    Then they proceed to ask me how to scan a document by holding it up to the monitor. And no, I'm not exagerating. I can't be. I work for the guvverment. Some days I want to go outside and step in front of a bus.

    I have to apologize, FF. The other day, I couldn't get into my webmail and called the IT tech. The problem? My cap locs was on. Now I should have known better.... FAR BETTER... Alas. I was an idiot.

    I don't like my job either, but it's necessary for my career path. Think of it that way, or get another job. The economy will turn - take action now. Life is way too short.

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