The Secret to Not Hating Your Job...

by daniel-p 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    You hate your job and your company is about to close? You hate it so much you feel like crying?

    Gird up your loins, man, and go find another job. You found the one you've got now, you can find another.

  • rebel8
    I've been in contact with the county's obesity prevention program for kids, but they want me to do policy stuff from my desk instead of real-world stuff that would actually make a difference.

    To be frank, it sounds like you are passing up a good opportunity because of a misunderstanding about evidence-based public health techniques.

    Go buy a basic public health textbook to read while you're bored at your desk, and read about why environmental strategies are a million times more effective than telling kids one by one to stop eating too many Twinkies. (Or why it's a zillion times more effective to install GFC outlets in bathrooms than to tell people one by one not to blow dry their hair near the sink. Or why it's more effective to install airbags than it is to tell people one by one to stop driving fast......)

    It will stave off your boredom for a while and open your mind to new options.

  • jaguarbass
  • daniel-p

    To be frank, it sounds like you are passing up a good opportunity because of a misunderstanding about evidence-based public health techniques.

    Go buy a basic public health textbook to read while you're bored at your desk, and read about why environmental strategies are a million times more effective than telling kids one by one to stop eating too many Twinkies. (Or why it's a zillion times more effective to install GFC outlets in bathrooms than to tell people one by one not to blow dry their hair near the sink. Or why it's more effective to install airbags than it is to tell people one by one to stop driving fast......)

    It will stave off your boredom for a while and open your mind to new options.

    I completely agree with you... and am well aware of how behavior can be influenced by environment (I am, after all, an urban planner with a particular interest in environmental psychology). But my point is that, while I may value such work being done, I personally would find volunteering more fulfilling if it were hands-on and involved human interaction. I don't need to spend MORE time behind my desk.

  • parakeet

    Daniel, check out Farkel's "Is Hating Always Bad?" thread. Hating your job is a headsup to get out of there. Make your hate work for you. Shine up your resume and send out the applications. Even if you can't find anything right away, the process should help make your current job a bit more bearable.

  • rebel8

    Oh. I didn't get the valuing from your post....

    Volunteering can be a great way to find fulfillment.

    Personally I try not to rely on my job for life satisfaction, because I'd always be disappointed. Easier said than done, but still...

  • nelly136

    when i went back to work again i found it was easier to change jobs while workin than it was to find the first one while i was out of work, i know too many frequent job changes dont always look too great on the cv, but weirdly it was easier to chop n change from one to another while i was in work than it was to find the first one. so maybe theres something more apealing to an employer to take on someone who is already employable to someone else rather than try out someone who is unemployed.

    (i'm not saying unemployed and lookin dont deserve a job just that there may be a slight advantage)

    so maybe its worth lookin now before your job ends

  • kurtbethel

    Sounds like someone needs a dose of Bob Black.

    fuck work

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    I personally would find volunteering more fulfilling if it were hands-on and involved human interaction.

    There's always field service.

    Judge Dread

  • daniel-p

    There's always field service.

    Judge Dread

    Ah yes. Nothing more fulfilling than stuffing wacky tracts into door jams and acting like people aren't at home when they most certainly are, all in the name of serving the Most High.

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