Graph from Dec 15 09 Wt on How to Apportion Your Time to Remain Joyful. Crazy....

by Hopscotch 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    I suppose they are going to tell us that we need to cut back on whatever is keeping us from theocraptic activities. Sleep is not mentioned on that chart. And neither are unexpected things--like they love to blame Satan for when it's really neglecting little problems until they become big ones. Like fixing that roof, taking care of sick children, making sure your clothes are still in good condition, taking care of that minor car problem before it becomes a major one, and other maintenance items. What they want is for those things to perpetually be neglected so theocraptic activities are more able to eat up all your time.

    I found that it is much easier now that I no longer do theocraptic activities. My personal study time is all done on these forums and other apostate sites. I blow off boasting sessions and field circus. I work the requisite time per week, instead of quitting my job solely because of the misery. And, I am not going to start neglecting those minor problems before they become major ones, just so the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery can become richer.

  • besty

    on a purely visual basis 'recreation' is at the top of the diagram and personal study is at the bottom - interesting - maybe the artist is taking the p*ss?

    recreation is visualized as TV with a MS Windows style image - surely they could have come up with a better icon for leisure time....given how they demonize TV/Internet.....

  • daniel-p

    What's all this emphasis on personal study? As if the average JW has enough hunger for real knowledge that they will spend all that time on personal study? Give me a break. They spend 10 minutes underlining their Watchtowers and call it good for the week.

  • purplesofa

    The chart to me is divided into two parts

    1/2 your time devoted to ministry and the other half

    to work to financially support and recover from the ministry.

  • Cadellin

    Well, at least they're allowing JWs HALF their time for purposes other than JW activities...! While I'm blown away by the level of control, I'm also trying to figure out the purpose behind this. Sheep are doing less, obviously. It must be desperate if they're going so far as to tell people to quit their jobs if they can't keep up their 50% of the your breathing time in JW-related activities. This, when unemployment is around 10% and non-educated folks like JWs are having the hardest time...

    Oh, I forgot--Jah will get them that $50/hour, 18-hour/week job. I wonder how many JWs use food banks already...I know of 2 in our hall.

  • daniel-p

    The real message of the chart is that a JW should be completely immersed in "theocratic activities," with all other activities, even work and family, being relegated to their apportioned times.

    If a JW doesn't feel surrounded and pressured from all sides, feeling like they are never doing enough, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THEIR SPIRITUALITY.

  • blondie

    The first thing I noticed that this pie chart was not realistic; sleep is left out and the percentages are even. I don't see many jws taking this very seriously. Over the last 45 years I saw most jws living double lives, few doing personal study let alone even spending 10 minutes underlining the WT study article. Hardly any "studied" the book study material, including the conductor. This article was written by a man who did not have household duties or a 40 hour a week job but was provided a home, food, etc., in a unnatural setting at Bethel.

  • Elsewhere

    The chart from the magazine has a flaw:

    It shows Home, Work, and then several other things. There is a problem with this time allotment:

    The 8 Hour work day is based on the idea of the day being broken down into thirds:

    • 8 Hours Work
    • 8 Hours personal time
    • 8 Hours sleep

    Total Hours: 24

    They show 1/2 of the day as Work and Personal Time. The other half is WTS crap. There is NO TIME TO SLEEP.

  • Satanus

    They have exactly half of the pie for religion.


  • IronHill

    I agree with some that it shows this was created by those that live in Bethel. Their are maintained, do menial work, and have no worries...all their time is devoted to the interests of the "kingdom".

    It has nothing to do with the regular witness folk outside of Bethel.

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