I haven't read through all the comments, but doesn't the graph strike an average dub as completely ludicrous?
Holy crap people are stupid in that cult.
by Hopscotch 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I haven't read through all the comments, but doesn't the graph strike an average dub as completely ludicrous?
Holy crap people are stupid in that cult.
JW's are distracted by shiny colors shamus... Remember the Take Forever book? So red... So pretty... So shiny....
Those six chunks are all the same size.
Meeting time = work time
In other words, you should only work 4 hours a week. If I worked 4 hours a week, I would be grossing somewhere around 140 bucks every two weeks. That's $280 per month. How much of that should go in the contribution box?
You'd have to eat your magazines to stay alive. I guess that's where the term "spiritual food" comes from.
The WTS is using web 2.0 graphics!
Amazing how this is really telling a JW to spend half of their time in theocratic activities without directly saying so. Easy to deny that this graph is not representational, yet it suggests an absurd demand.
JW's are distracted by shiny colors shamus... Remember the Take Forever book? So red... So pretty... So shiny....
Likes Red!..
Igor,l ikes Pretty,Shiny!..
Igor wants to be JW!!..
Are those all 1/6th pie sections?? Work 4 hours a day? I'd love that job. Study 4 hours a day? FAmily care? Is that a doghouse behind them?? Dog care for 4 hours a day? ARe these people sane??
It that page of bullshit could be put on the evening news, the WT would lose half its members overnight. Just when I think people can't have IQ's any lower than the GB already does, they come out and show me that not only is an IQ of 8 possible, but they can still have brain damage and lose the 8 points as well.
These people need to go. Permanently.
The "Christian Meetings" DOES look like a town hall meeting in South Park. Is that Cartman's mom in the purple in the front row?
the article says:
if your current employment is not conducive to spiritual growth, you NEED to ADJUST your situation.
Are they predicting a gigantic drop in bethelites?
Are these people sound or what?
If you are to tired to go in the fieldcircus .... you need to adjust your situation .... do't go preaching and stay in bed.
If you are late for the TMS everyweek ... adjust your situation: don't go to the TMS
If you have no time to conduct a family study night .... adjust your situation: forget about this bullshit all together.
If you are sitting on the sunday morning meetings with a wooden head ... adjust your sitation: stay in bed!
All in all: STOP BEING A WITLESS by going through this consumption only scheme.
I think it's an antitypical graph!
where's the time for sleep and the toilet