Graph from Dec 15 09 Wt on How to Apportion Your Time to Remain Joyful. Crazy....

by Hopscotch 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    They have exactly half of the pie for religion.

    The pie chart is unbalanced if 50% of your available time is used up for 'spirituality'. What about the other 3 needs? You're taking away time from them to fulfill the cult. It's all Mind-Puppetry!

    Truth is, if you don't meet, in order of importance, your Physical, Emotional, and Mental needs, there is no way you can meet Spiritual needs.

  • AllTimeJeff

    It has occurred to me that GB 2.0 is way dumber then the first version (c. 1976-2005)

    Ever since they got Jackson and Morris on board, the "majority" changed, along with the agenda.

    Even as a JW, I didn't like it, although the GB I got to know was primarily 2.0 Oh well. Its a cult, whatcha going to do?

  • cantleave

    Cmon guys and gals it isn't a Pie chart it is a just a visual aid! The point being to get everything properly balanced. Not even the WTS can expect theocraptic activities to outweigh the day to day.

  • cantleave

    Did I just say that? Of course they can

  • lepermessiah

    ATJ - you are so right. These guys are bush-league compared to the original Governing Body. I think left unchecked, these guys could signal ARMAGEDDON for the WTB$......(not that that is a bad thing)

    I would like to share a chart as well - This reflects my feelings toward that stupid Pie Chart!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    That has to the be the stupidest pie-chart graphic I have ever seen, and I am being kind.

    Here's another winning sentence: "If you realize that poor time-management is a problem for you, take steps to get a grip on your schedule". The ever elusive 'joy' in God's service(TM) had to obviously be a problem of my poor time-management, so about2 years ago, I totally rearranged my schedule to permanently EXCLUDE THEM! Voila, problem solved. Much less stress, more joy, more time for family, hobbies, communing with my God, personal study such as they could never dream about...need I go on? No wonder no one puts their name to articles such as these...who would want to take ownership of this drivel?

  • Satanus


    I like that chart.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I thought that was a joke when I first saw it.

    Here's my pie chart:

    pie chart

    Oops, looks like I forgot to "buy out the time" for theocratic activities. My bad!

  • AllTimeJeff

    This just offends me so much the more I think of it.

    Who was that moron who drank an 1/8th of whiskey, crossed his eyes, and opened up Watchtower after Watchtower claiming "subliminal" art was imbedded?

    This isn't subliminal, but it is highly suggestive.

    This is written at the level of 10th graders, which is good, since the target JW audience isn't college educated. What offends me the most is the guilt I know this will create due to the existing caste system in place.

    Elders, MS, Pioneers, etc will look real good on that chart.

    "Weaker" ones (aka, the smart ones) will not rate on that chart, and this article will be used in many shephedring calls to get people to exhibit better JW time management skills.

    This chart to me represents for the first time a glimpse into the mindset of the GB. This is what they expect. We now have a picture.

  • Georgiegirl

    Hi sweetheart (ATJ)!

    As your loving forum girl, I've taken the liberty of printing out this lovely chart and posting it to our pretend kitchen wall so we can review our schedule accordingly!!!


    Ok, seriously - how bizarre is this chart? And how sad is it that many families will actually sit down and schedule out their time accordingly?

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