"The Day The Music Died"

by Farkel 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    In 1972 the great Irish balladeer Don McClean introduced the song "American Pie." It was and still is a classic. The song is full of symbolism and even to this day almost thirty years after the song was first introduced, McClean will not reveal the real meanings behind much of that symbolism.

    In that song, he sings about "the day the music died." What did he mean by that? Years ago a newspaper reporter offered his opinion about what that phrase meant and it soon became part of a cultural myth. I was one of those who thought the reporter's interpretation was fact, when he was actually wrong. Many people today still believe the reporter's interpretation is the true one. It isn't.

    I can tell you what McClean did NOT mean by the expression "the day the music died":

    He did NOT mean the death of Buddy Holly or of Billy Holiday.

    He did NOT mean the introduction of the pink WTS songbook in 1966 called "Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music in Your Hearts," (aka "The Songbook From HELL!" Although, I think that songbook should take second place since it also epitomizes the concept "the day the music died.")

    So what did McClean actually mean by "the day the music died?" I know the answer because I listened to an interview with Don McClean on the radio about a week ago and he revealed it then.

    There are no prizes and no penalties for participating. We don't DF, or "publically reprove" for wrong answers and we don't give out elder appointments for right answers. Honest!


    Farkel, takin' his Chevy to the levee

    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • GinnyTosken


    I was of the Buddy Holly school until I read your post.

    Please do tell.


  • r51785

    To be sung while out in service:

    February made me shiver,
    With every Watchtower I'd deliver,
    Good News on the doorstep,
    I couldn't take one more step.

  • closer2fine

    I was also of the Buddy Holly club.

    What I want to know is..... who all the characters were in the song.

    Anyone, anyone???


  • unclebruce

    Geez showing yer age aren't ya brother? lol. Vincent was my favorite from the American Pie Album. (now listen ear Van Gough)

    OK American Pie .. let me see, hows it go again? OK i found the 1984 brain cell ...

    "bye bye miss american pie"
    an obvious reference to motherhood and apple pie (gee keep these lyrics up and I'll sell a squillion albums in the USA)

    drove my Chevy to the levi but the levy was dry
    went for a swim but they wouldn't let me jump in the pool with jeans on? .. jews refused me baptism?

    those good ol' boys were drinking whisky and rye, sing'n thistle be the day that I fry
    yeah that's it, the jews controlling the yankee music scene refused to baptise Don into American culture and sat around singing anti-celtic songs ..

    aw shit .. i give up ...

  • mike047

    Unc, I also liked Vincent better.

  • JeffT

    I also bought into the Buddy Holly thing.

    The king was Elvis.

    The marching band was the Beatles.

    The jestor was Bob Dylan.

    The whole thing was supposed to about the shift from "rock and roll" to "Rock" after Holly died.

    About the time I became a dub there was a weird little group in Spokane that claimed that the lyrics were all a prophetic reference to Armageddon. For ten bucks or something they would send you a line by line interpretation. I wish I'd sent them the money just for the fun of it. Have to rank right up there with some of the real nonsense in the WT.

  • TR


    does it have anything to do with driving a Chevy to a levy?


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!


    Hey Farkel,I thought it was Buddy Holly.Your pulling our leg right?..HAPPY NEW YEAR FARKEL...OUTLAW

  • Outaservice


    I think it had something to do with the 1922 Cedar Point, Ohio Convention when during a freak storm the sound system was shut down fulfilling the Scripture in Revelation about 'a silence occuring for over a half-hour' when a scroll was opened, at the convention of course!

    Outaservice (but still countin my time!)

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