"The Day The Music Died"

by Farkel 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi Farkel,

    I'm one of those odd people who never, or at least very seldom listen to the words of music. I just like the melody. Growing up I almost always listened to instrumental music. I can't remember the lyrics to a single song, maybe a verse or two, but that is it.

    Ken P.

  • aChristian

    I did not read or hear the interview. But I'll guess what he said. He said that the words he wrote had no meaning at all. They were only chosen because they rhymed and fit together well. And he thought it might help record sales to get everyone trying to figure out the "meaning" of this "mysterious" song's lyrics.

  • aChristian

    If I am right, I suspect you are posting Mclean's comments to this board because you feel what he had to say about why he wrote American Pie in the way that he did might also be true for the men who wrote the more "mysterious" parts of the Bible.

  • kenny2

    hmmm. "the day the music died"

    Here are two guesses:

    In referrence to the death of Louis Armstrong
    The University of Texas tower assault by Charles Whitmann

  • kenny2

    Or maybe it was when they invented the 8 track.

    Just a thought.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Just a guess: the day rock&roll became popular.

    Used to think buddy H.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • ladonna

    The song had no particular meaning and was considered purely poetic by Mclean, part fantasy, part biographical....."research"!!!!

    "The day the music died"......

    I don't really know if this had any meaning when he actually wrote it...but if so, was it the "death of a once time belief"????

    I still go with the "It just meant nothing of importance"!

    <G> what a dumb post I have made

    Ana...waving to Fark

    Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too...Voltaire

  • avengers

    Sing this like you would song 113.

    We're Jehovah's Witnesses,
    We celebrate no Christmasses,

    Thanksgiving turkeys
    We try to get for free,

    Deny Jesus,
    Jews we would be.

  • cellomould

    you been pulling our yarn, fark?
    (say that 10 times fast. )

    my guess is when, during WWII of course, both Allies and Nazis used Beethoven's 5th symphony to inspire the fighters. Apparently phonographs were used inside aircraft during bombing raids and paratrooper drops. (kinda like how they portrayed it in the war news-reel films!)

    short short short long, the opening rhythmic pattern, is equivalent to V ("VICTORY") in Morse code.

    although, I am really just drawing a straw.


    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • Farkel

    To all,

    Here's the spoiler:

    McClean said that when musicians ended up having to make their music be beholden to commercial interests instead of being true to themselves and what they really wanted to write and sing about was "the day the music died."

    To Seven006,

    You ARE my buddy. Any buddy of Alan is definitely a buddy of mine. I'm sorry if what I wrote would cause you to think otherwise. Really.
    Geeez! Even when I try NOT to be offensive, I'm offensive!


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

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