I guess it still bothers me because I SEE (and now my bf does too) how 'conditional' my family is...
After I was assualted by my ex, he had threatened to kill me...when i confessed all sins to the elders (DUMB mistake on my part!!) I also divulged the tidbit about my LIFE BEING IN JEAPORDY. You would think that would assist in them not being so 'harsh' but apparently they still decided to DF me. So my parents were told that they could associate with me and be there for support??? At that time I was going to all my mtgs and working my way back to reinstatement - so my parents would talk to me. Of coures my mom (the die-hard JW) would go back and forth: she's be all in my business for 1 mos and then turn around and TELL me that she could no longer associate with me as it was bothering her conscience - and then she would cut me off. Off and on...week after week. My dad never waivered though, he did speak to me.
Once I stopped going to mtgs and made it clear that coming back was NOT gonna happen - well they didn't take too kindly to that. But they still spoke to me. It wasn't until a visiting C.O. stayed with them that I guess they had an epiphany and decided to just cut me off all together!!! So that is where I stand now...and it's going on 2 mos. So when I was at my lowest point - the elders TOSSED me and expected my family to pick up the slack. Then when i get stronger and start making my own decisions and reasoning - my family tosses me. Just can't WIN in any scenario here!!!