To: "Non-Believers" (I am speaking to the "adult" among you as there are some who simply won't be able to resist... and you know who you are), I would like to ask that you please refrain from commenting, if you would be so kind. If possible, it would be greatly appreciated if you would hold your comments for another thread, please. Thank you... and may you have peace!
TO: "Believers"... and thus, the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... the "small child" and the "full-grown man" among you... and you know who you are... may you have peace!
I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to ask you an honest and sincere question, and to ask, respectfully, that you respond in kind. I am to ask you:
Why it is that you PREFER, indeed CHOOSE... to put your faith in the Bible as the "word [from] God" that "speaks" to you... instead of in the Holy Spirit, who is the Son of God and Holy One of Israel?
That's it. That's all. I have received nothing more, other than to ask that you do not respond in haste, but take your time, and perhaps even prayerfully consider your response before you make it... and include the citation at Malachi 3:16.
In the meantime, may the undeserved kindness and mercy of the MOST Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies*... and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is MY Lord, Master, and Savior... and HIS Holy Spirit... be upon you... and may that One lead you... into ALL truth... if you so wish it.
*Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 48:2 - please, refer to the Hebrew, as cited by Strong's...
I bid each and every one of you... and your entire households... peace.
YOUR servant, as I am servant to the Household of God, Israel, and ALL those who go with... and fellow slave of Christ,
SA, a good-for-nothing-slave... and insignficant messenger