To the "Believers" - A Sincere Question...

by AGuest 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lillith26

    It is the same today
    It might be worth noting that the Holy Spirit is a person, not a thing.

    Stephen, it may be worth noting that , when Shelby said "it is the same today", it was the means of communicating not 'who' was communicating.....

    There was no bible for Noah to read, he would have had "communication" with the holy spirit, heard the voice, then placed faith.........

    It does not matter which 'version' is read BTW.... you do NOT need to read words written by man, if the WORD is TALKING to you.........

    I personally have not heard the word or been spoken too- but I have not asked yet..... have you? asked?

  • Chalam

    Hi L26,

    Stephen, it may be worth noting that , when Shelby said "it is the same today", it was the means of communicating not 'who' was communicating.....

    Ah cool, point taken-my mistake and apologies to Aguest! :)

    There was no bible for Noah to read, he would have had "communication" with the holy spirit, heard the voice, then placed faith.........

    It does not matter which 'version' is read BTW.... you do NOT need to read words written by man, if the WORD is TALKING to you.........

    I personally have not heard the word or been spoken too- but I have not asked yet..... have you? asked?

    Do you mean audibly i.e via the ears? If so, no.

    If you are asking about "hearing internally", yes, sometimes.

    However, more often, the Holy Spirit just "highlights" something. This can happen when reading the bible for example. Certain verses will "speak" to me, about a specific personal situation. That can happen at any time in any situation. The Lord speaks to me in secular films sometimes. That happened the other night when I was watching Good Will Hunting. He said some stuff about the gifting I have been given and my relationship with my wife.

    JWs could not likely understand that. Firstly, they do not have a relationship with God (certainly not the One I know). Also, the film contains much profanity and even blasphemy. God can speak in any situation. For sure, you are more likely to hear from Him reading the bible than visiting a Satanist meeting (or Kingdom Hall) but He speaks to everyone at some time.



  • Lillith26

    I call that 'inner voice' intuition- it's my voice that I hear... as though I am speaking to myself, in a way that I will understand myself... sometimes reading, listening to music or looking at a picture will get that inner voice going and I will have personal revelations about anything and everything- But that is just me, talking to me, learning for myself, as you said, the Holy Spirit is a PERSON not a feeling/emotion/intuition...

    My 'intuition' tells me, that this 'inner voice' is not what Shelby was talking about when it comes to HEARING the WORD or the Holy Spirit SPEAKING to you.... to talk to some else would imply that their are TWO distinct VOICES taking part of the CONVERSATION... one yours and the other... well I'm sure you get my point now

  • AGuest

    Dearest Stephen, peace to you... and no need to apologize: I understand how you could have misunderstood me.

    Dear Lillith... the greatest of love and peace to you, and... WHOO-HOOOO!!! You HAVE it! YES!! THANK YOU!

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the MOST Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, and the love and peace of HIS Son and Christ, the HOLY One of Israel, my Lord and Master, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Holy Spirit... be upon YOU... and your entire household... and may He grant you ears to hear... through Christ... if and WHEN... you wish it!

    Again, I bid you both peace!

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Peace to you!

    I do not ascribe to a particular Bible "version"... because I am more often than not referred to the Hebrew or Greek anyway. So... it depends on which one the person addressed uses. For example, if the message is to those who use the NWT, then it is that "version" that I am taken to. Or, if the one addressed prefers the KJV... the Spirit tells me to use that one. The reason, I understand, is because people tend to be a little... ummmm... "partial" to their particular favorite Bible version.

    For me, it truly doesn't matter - they are all the same. NONE are the Word of God... NONE are "all" scripture... and ALL have been tampered with and/or contain additions, omissions, mistranslations, mistransliterations, errors, and uninspired writings.

    I hope that helps.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Loquacious

    okay, here goes..

    "I heard what I heard....I "spoke" what I heard" yeah, so have thousands of men before....all of the worlds religions, marxism, capitalism, communism all started the same way...

    "You are not my sheep....& I am only a servant"............please tell me this isnt your own comment because otherwise you sound like a Waco in waiting.

    " You trusted in your own understanding"...........hahahahhahaha, umm, well, that comment is TRAGIC on so many levels!! If Jesus physically arrived today, do you honestly think he'd agree with every single belief you have? or anyone else on this earth today? thats presumptuousness on a scale thats beyond grand!

    You are just like the religious cult followers who tell other people they are being misled (your beliefs are correct of course) when in fact its you who I pity. I truly feel sorry for anyone who even contemplates the bs you judgmentally spew forth!

  • AGuest
    "I heard what I heard....I "spoke" what I heard" yeah, so have thousands of men before....all of the worlds religions, marxism, capitalism, communism all started the same way...

    Yes, I know. And I understand why it is difficult for anyone to listen to ME. But, I have not asked anyone to listen to me. And if you knew me, you would know that. There are posts going back about 8 years that might get you acquainted. You are more than welcome to review some of those.

    "You are not my sheep....& I am only a servant"............please tell me this isnt your own comment because otherwise you sound like a Waco in waiting.

    It is indeed my comment... and it is the truth. The sheep do not belong to me. I am neither their Shepherd... nor a hired man. I am just a servant... and to say I was anything more or else would be a lie.

    " You trusted in your own understanding"...........hahahahhahaha, umm, well, that comment is TRAGIC on so many levels!! If Jesus physically arrived today, do you honestly think he'd agree with every single belief you have?

    First, he will not arrive physically. Although every eye will see him... he is a spirit. Thus, it is as a spirit being that he will arrive. Second, every single belief I have? If he arrived today, then I would have to say, no, as I don't believe I have attained to receiving ALL truth... yet. Hopefully, I will have done so by the time he does arrive... which is a few years more off.

    or anyone else on this earth today?

    Anyone? I don't doubt that there is someone in the earth that has attained to that level of spiritual wisdom. But not me. I am still "walking..."

    thats presumptuousness on a scale thats beyond grand!

    My apologies I did/said something that gave you that impression. You are entitled to your opinion, however...

    You are just like the religious cult followers who tell other people they are being misled (your beliefs are correct of course) when in fact its you who I pity.

    Okay, then you tell me. I am all ears. Post what it is you believe I should believe... and I'll take a look. One caveat, though: no BS. Come "correct," or leave me be as I don't wish to spend time on someone who's just bellowing... with nothing but "air" coming out. Tell me, if you know, what IS "correct." I await your response.

    I truly feel sorry for anyone who even contemplates the bs you judgmentally spew forth!

    I judge... and judged no one. And, as I stated, the question did not come from me. Perhaps your feelings are... well, offended, because YOU didn't ask either. You know: the "shoe fits." Just a thought.

    I bid you peace... and good night.

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • shiatsu58

    Surely, to have faith in God, is to live a life, in love to all those around us, it doesnt matter whether you read the Bible or not, there are many humans who do not read the Bible, does this mean they do not live in faith, because they havent heard the word of God, this is how white europeans used the word of God to convert the savage non believers and enslaved them. By living a life of love, I believe thats how to love God, not by going to a church or meeting hall or even by studying books. I dont think many of us are born to hate, but its easier to hate someone then love them. Its easy to say love and peace, but its difficult to really mean it.Maybe God feels to communicate with you, using quotes etc or an old fashioned way of speech, is the way to get through to you, so you can pose questions to test or ask others on behalf of God, but if God knows what is in all our hearts, then why would he need to test us, or remind us to love???

  • coffee_black

    Reading the Bible started my quest.. but Holy Spirit led me to Christ, where my faith resides. I don't have to have all the answers, I know the One who does.


  • PSacramento

    I think that a valid point has been made in regards to how God spoke to those before the bible was written and how jesus spoke to those before the NT was put together.

    I think that many of us find a certain comfort in the written word, perhaps because we do not fully trust ourselves to give ourselves to God and to hear from our Lord his own words.

    Are they God's words? or am I crazy? am I hearing things? WTF is wrong with me ???

    It is far more easy and comfortable to put our faith in words than in ourselves.

    Lets be honest here, if anyone came saying that God has spoken to him/her and that they preach from God and NOT what is written, what would you do? what would you think?

    YET, that is what the prophets, what Jesus and what the apostles did.

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