"I heard what I heard....I "spoke" what I heard" yeah, so have thousands of men before....all of the worlds religions, marxism, capitalism, communism all started the same way...
Yes, I know. And I understand why it is difficult for anyone to listen to ME. But, I have not asked anyone to listen to me. And if you knew me, you would know that. There are posts going back about 8 years that might get you acquainted. You are more than welcome to review some of those.
"You are not my sheep....& I am only a servant"............please tell me this isnt your own comment because otherwise you sound like a Waco in waiting.
It is indeed my comment... and it is the truth. The sheep do not belong to me. I am neither their Shepherd... nor a hired man. I am just a servant... and to say I was anything more or else would be a lie.
" You trusted in your own understanding"...........hahahahhahaha, umm, well, that comment is TRAGIC on so many levels!! If Jesus physically arrived today, do you honestly think he'd agree with every single belief you have?
First, he will not arrive physically. Although every eye will see him... he is a spirit. Thus, it is as a spirit being that he will arrive. Second, every single belief I have? If he arrived today, then I would have to say, no, as I don't believe I have attained to receiving ALL truth... yet. Hopefully, I will have done so by the time he does arrive... which is a few years more off.
or anyone else on this earth today?
Anyone? I don't doubt that there is someone in the earth that has attained to that level of spiritual wisdom. But not me. I am still "walking..."
thats presumptuousness on a scale thats beyond grand!
My apologies I did/said something that gave you that impression. You are entitled to your opinion, however...
You are just like the religious cult followers who tell other people they are being misled (your beliefs are correct of course) when in fact its you who I pity.
Okay, then you tell me. I am all ears. Post what it is you believe I should believe... and I'll take a look. One caveat, though: no BS. Come "correct," or leave me be as I don't wish to spend time on someone who's just bellowing... with nothing but "air" coming out. Tell me, if you know, what IS "correct." I await your response.
I truly feel sorry for anyone who even contemplates the bs you judgmentally spew forth!
I judge... and judged no one. And, as I stated, the question did not come from me. Perhaps your feelings are... well, offended, because YOU didn't ask either. You know: the "shoe fits." Just a thought.
I bid you peace... and good night.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,